Standard or Wild tags
Submitted 5 years, 7 months ago by
Right now we need a way to tell if a deck is in standard or wild when viewing decks. I know you can just hover over a card in the deck you're browsing but not everyone knows what expansion certain cards come from.
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Right now we need a way to tell if a deck is in standard or wild when viewing decks. I know you can just hover over a card in the deck you're browsing but not everyone knows what expansion certain cards come from.
Definitely a thing that needs to happen, QoL changes are always welcome.
Moved to Feedback and Ideas.
And yes, this will definitely happen, give us a bit of time tho ;-)
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Well for now you can see from which expansion are the cards, the moment you see a wild expansion card.. it's a wild deck.
I know you can just hover over a card in the deck you're browsing but not everyone knows what expansion certain cards come from.
I mean you don't even need to hover on them.. you can see the expansion icon near them.
"not everyone knows what expansion certain cards come from."
Who are you even arguing with? The feature existed previously, and also on every deck site, for a reason. Stop trying to be so smart, please.
Well, this is a good place to discuss my idea about standard and wild tags which is two-fold. First, I propose a change to search terms for decks and secondly, make decks auto label their format when they are being created.
At I noticed that you can filter decks to be wild or standard using the filters above the list of decks. I think the labels should be tweaked a little bit because there is a bias toward standard decks.
1. Replace "Is standard" with "Format" or "Game Format."
Out Of Cards may present a bias against the Hearthstone wild format at the decklists. I am mainly a wild player so it is awkward for me to click on "Is standard" and select yes, no, or unknown. I believe the choice should be under "Format" or "Game Format" and the options should be Standard, Wild, or Fanwork. Look at the number of decks that have been created Wild vs Standard. When creating content remember that we do exist.
2. To make it more idiot proof and to create beautiful uniformity and better user experience. I believe that the freedom to label decks: "Standard," "Wild," or "Fanwork" should be taken away from the users. These labels should automatically appear based on the cards or construction of the deck. Any deck that has three of the same card or the same legendary twice or brakes the traditional rules of hearthstone deck building should be labeled Fanwork. Any deck that follows the traditional rules of hearthstone but includes one or more wild card should be called a wild deck. Any deck that only uses standard hearthstone cards should be called Standard.
*Edit: " Show Constructed Only" this solution works for filtering Fanwork too!
The above comment assumes a Hearthstone Wild perspective.
I support this. Wild is not a format to be bullied. As a Wild player, I want equality. It's like we are viewed as 3rd world countries, which makes me hurt most.
What does "Standard" mean exactly? It seems currently it means "this deck was in Standard when it was built" (a lot of the imported tournament decks are from before the Year of the Dragon rotation, but still marked as Standard), but when players filter decks to show Standard only, what they likely want to see is decks that are in Standard right now. Like ArcticFox said, it would be better to assign Standard / Wild / other labels automatically based on the cards in the deck.