"From the Forums" on game portals should not show other games
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
Currently, on the Hearthstone portal, the "From the Forums" section has 4 out of 5 recent thread comments as comments from Runeterra Forums. Are there any plans to make this section only show Hearthstone forum posts when you are on the Hearthstone portal? I don't play Runeterra and would prefer to only see forum posts for Hearthstone (and I'm sure there are many others who feel the same)
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Currently, on the Hearthstone portal, the "From the Forums" section has 4 out of 5 recent thread comments as comments from Runeterra Forums. Are there any plans to make this section only show Hearthstone forum posts when you are on the Hearthstone portal? I don't play Runeterra and would prefer to only see forum posts for Hearthstone (and I'm sure there are many others who feel the same)
I suggest putting some buttons directly below "From the Forums" to filter what a person wants/doesn't want to see..
MTGA, LoR, HS. Just simple abbreviations, no need to get all fancy.
Twitch for those of you who care.
Duplicate thread, though I can't find the other one so it may have been in a weird section.
Regardless, this is a temporary thing and will be resolved in a future update. I agree, it sucks. Forums just need to become "game aware".
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Thanks Flux! I figured this was a duplicate, but I couldn't find an answer to it. The Runeterra forums are really busy right now (which is great for the site!), just not so great when you are wanting to come on here to discuss only Hearthstone. I look forward to this update! Thanks for all you do for this community Flux!
We'll have an update going out sometime early this evening to get the forums "game aware". I worked on much of it early in the morning before heading to bed. Just need to make sure it isn't going to break anything and we can get it out.
And yes, it's great to see all the Runeterra interest! Currently we're getting more Runeterra traffic than Hearthstone :D
Founder, Out of Games
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That's fantastic news! Thanks for the update Flux!
Of course it would be just a matter of time.
Btw is one of u the one that has been downvoting every comment on runeterra threads? Thats really childish. Its natural that during the last 24 hours most threads on the forum is about LoR since its the launch. Have some respect whoever u are. I love HS but ive been giving LoR a chance cause guess what? It doesn't hurt to try.
This is now live. Here are the update notes.
Founder, Out of Games
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