Get ready for the hype! After several teases on Twitter this morning, the Legends of Runeterra team has revealed quite a few new cards we can expect to see in the upcoming expansion at the end of the month. They have also introduced a new ability called "Scout".
- Scout: The first time only Scout units attack each round, ready your attack.
Reveal Video
Quinn Artwork
do you have to attack ONLY with scout units to rally?
Yes, the first time you attack with scouts ONLY, you get to attack again
Wait, so after scouts attack opponent can't even play stuffs like a blocker before get attacked again? If that's how it works seems op
from the Reveal video you can see that just before the units attack again the opponent clicked pass, so I think the opponent can play another unit after the first attac
No, you ready your attack, so it's like Katarina
So is Quinn's card text (Play: Summon Valor) or is she (Whenever I'm Summoned, Summon Valor)? Because the card in the video shows her as play but the card image in this article says otherwise.
It has been confirmed on Reddit that the tweet image is correct, not the one in the video.
OK the scout keyword seems fitting for what they do, they attack first to scout what's the enemy's plans, would say it's an aggressive strategy but you have to attack only with scout for it to work.
if those are all the scout units it seems balanced most of them have low stats the 2/2 for 3 which is an elite with barrier seems interesting in bannermen or elite decks.
Grizzled Ranger seems broken.
Also, goddamn, why can't Quinn look this good in the actual game?
I think it's pretty much just because the camera is zoomed out so far I know that's the reason why Senna's has such huge legs. But on the other hand, this looks nothing like Quinn's splash over there so I guess sixmorevodka is just good at making art
through all my time playing League I kinda just accepted the artstyle, but looking at this it's so painfully obvious that they really half-ass a lot of their stuff and it saddens me.
I'm not even playing LoR anymore (their refusal to rework Elusives into something that isn't absolute cancer just kills it for me) but goddamn I'm gonna follow the game just to see that artwork. Maybe I'll even reinstall it just so I can look at those artworks in fullscreen.
Grizzled Ranger seems amazing
Scout could be overpowered with cards like Hecarim and Ashe
Scout is... worrisome. Maybe they have a small number of units so it won't be a problem, but I hope they add some way of summoning a unit to your opponent's side during battle to one of the regions, to counter it.
Doesn't seem that worrisome to me. It looks like mainly understatted 3+ mana units have the keyword, so it can't really be abused in the early turns and the opponent can just block scouting units with their large units so that they survive and can block again afterwards. Although scout can of course be used to bait out some reactive spells.