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Redirect to Expansion/Adventure Guide While Checking Cards

Submitted 5 years, 3 months ago by

A thought occurred to me while looking at Pyros. There are adventure/expansion guides for all Hearthstone content. For sake of convenience, when we click onto expansion/adventure logo, it should redirect to respective guide. In this case, Pyros should redirect to Ungoro guide if clicked on. What do you think of the idea?

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    A thought occurred to me while looking at Pyros. There are adventure/expansion guides for all Hearthstone content. For sake of convenience, when we click onto expansion/adventure logo, it should redirect to respective guide. In this case, Pyros should redirect to Ungoro guide if clicked on. What do you think of the idea?

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I like that idea.

    Also, in with Pyros, I feel there should be added links to jump to her 6 mana and 10 mana forms. Same with any "token" generating card.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Xarkkal

    I like that idea.

    Also, in with Pyros, I feel there should be added links to jump to her 6 mana and 10 mana forms. Same with any "token" generating card.

    Good point you made there. Hope Flux and his team will consider our ideas for implementation.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    We are indeed missing links to the guides! If I remember correctly we actually have all the support in for it, they just don't get displayed on the card pages because we haven't uploaded an image for them to use as the link. I'll make sure I get this done, and make sure it properly works.

    As far as linking cards together to show related cards, this is 100% on the to do list and in fact, Chimera has let me know several times I need to get working on the support for it.

    I can't give you guys an ETA for either of the requests, but I'll make sure we have them noted down.

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  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks for the response, Flux. I can wait for these features, so take your time as long as you wish.

  • Chimera's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    You can be sure as soon as the support is there i will be obsessively associating everything with related assets 🙃

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    I'm sure you will, Chimera. Just don't over-exert yourself, all of you.

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