Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

The Stagehand

The Stagehand Card Image

Card Stats

  • Region Ionia
  • Expansion Worldwalker
  • Rarity Common
  • Cost 2
  • Attack 4
  • Health 2

Card Text

Play: Stun an enemy.


Ephemeral - This unit dies when it strikes or when the round ends.

Stun - Remove a unit from combat. It can't attack or block for the rest of the round.

Flavor Text

"Act Four: A young priestess enters our story. Her tale is one of tragedy, conveyed on the pale lips of those she betrayed. Desperate to repent for her transgression, she carries in her arms a great burden, a gilded gift for the Noxians she welcomed to her land. We are left to wonder: was it sorrow or the bullet that broke her heart?"


  • henryqqy's Avatar
    Island 905 37 Posts Joined 11/13/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    May allow you to disrupt an entire enemy turn, stunning a strong unit while making they skip attack with weaker ones, i like it.


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