Abandon's Avatar


Joined 04/04/2020 Achieve Points 140 Posts 3

Abandon's Comments

  • Abandon's Avatar
    140 3 Posts Joined 04/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Did the designers read the fan creations here? This is a Shaman Wishing Stars with some balancing differences.

  • Abandon's Avatar
    140 3 Posts Joined 04/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I'm very glad to find someone who is curious about how I build a deck. Netizens don't seem to be interested in deck-building. Some do, but they just modify an archetype that already exists. Original creators like me are the rarest among the rarest. It is sad to see only two pages here after your post a year and a month ago.

    Yes, I enjoy building decks in Hearthstone, even more than actually play them.

    • What sort of things lead you to construct the decks that you do?

    New experiences. I love to explore new experiences from decks of different style. This is my goal. I won't build a deck that cannot bring me new, unique gameplay. I'm also interested in reproducing popular decks from the past that were nerfed and then seen little play. Old ideas getting picked up again, I combine them with new cards. Then old strategy reappears, but with chemical reaction with new sets and meta.

    • What are some common strategies and combinations that you really enjoy playing and iterating on?
    • In the past, which mechanics or interactions really caught your attention and made you want to try them yourself?

    Baku and Genn decks. Hero Power is a permanent that we can make use of it from turn 2, but basic Hero Power generates low value. Baku makes it stronger and Genn makes it cost cheaper. They both seduce us to use Hero Power frequently, which creates distinguished game experience. Buffed basic Hero Power is an aura that changes our play significantly, like anomaly does in Adventure Mode.

    Recently I've been playing Even Warrior and Even Druid. I had an idea to construct Even Warrior at first. Aggro decks(Odd DH, Secret Mage and Aggro Hunter) are popular in the current wild meta, so my intention is to make an anti-aggro deck that is dominant against aggros(but I intend it sucks against heavy control decks). Armoring up at a high frequency makes a good defender. My dream deck is like the "warriors" in MOBA games: melee class with both decent attack and defence, good at dealing with the "assassins"(aggro decks in HS). The winrate is ugly however, I lost to one Odd DH and two Secret Mages and only made it to Silver 10. So I abandoned it and made an Even Druid. Although Druid Hero Power gives less armor than Warrior's, Druid has Branching Paths and Oaken Summons. They grant heavy armor. I beat an Odd DH successfully and I won a bunch of games at Silver. I hope it'll go higher on ladder.

    • Do you prefer building new lists from the ground up, or iterating on existing archetypes?

    100% from the ground up. I feel greater sense of achievement by building original decks.

    I'm a CN player and I play CN server. Everyday I read posts from two CN Hearthstone forums, NGA(bbs.nga.cn) and iyingdi(iyingdi.com/web). Whenever new cards are released, unless they include new mechanism by themselves on their card text, literally no one cares about how they can build a brand-new deck with these cards. Lonely me cares :(

    • Has the meta ever influenced you to try building something new to counter it?

    Yes. Even Warrior and Druid I mentioned to counter Aggro decks. Winrate does influence my fun playing Hearthstone. If my decks have a very low WR(like 30% or less) and I fail to save them by any means in the meta, I probably will give them up(and I already did for some times). For example, I made a Rouge deck featuring Troublemaker early this month before AoO was launched. I put lots of cards that return my minions to hand in my deck, like Shadowstep. This deck really has its highlight moments. I once stole my opponent's Galakrond, the Nightmare. But this deck rarely won. When my opponent focus on my face, I get absolutely zero fun. 

    • When you get an idea, does it typically involve a particular strategy, or do you focus on a card you like to build around?

    I have a variety of reasons to construct decks. Here are some of the decks I make in different meta: Token Paly with Justicar Trueheart to create a sustaining board offence and outnumber my opponent(ONK), C'Thun Shaman with Corrupt the Waters + Fencing Coach + C'Thun for an OTK synergy(SoU), Beast Druid with Invalid Deck ID for the meme!(late Rastakhan)

    • Do you make use of tech cards often, or just play a particular list as is?

    No, I don't usually put tech cards in my deck and I don't quite like them. Tech cards are compromise with strong decks in the meta. They adds incoherency to what I want to play. I like cards that both fit my deck strategy and favour certain matches, for example, Renew in Control Priest is a control-style healing card and it is also good against popular aggressive DH decks on ladder.

  • Abandon's Avatar
    140 3 Posts Joined 04/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Hey! You put content from Patch 12.0.0 in Patch 11.4.0!

    In reply to Boomsday Pre-purchase
  • ODYN
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