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Joined 05/14/2020 Achieve Points 40 Posts 1

AlienFromEarth's Comments

  • AlienFromEarth's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 05/14/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I'm not a good player by any means (Gold at the moment) but I feel like the main issue why Burn is a problem (and even why there are minimal viable Control and Combo decks) is direct Nexus damage and by extension - the low Nexus health.

    Even the most popular Control and Combo decks depend on direct Nexus damage (Corina/Ledros/Atrocity for the first one, Ezreal for the latter) as win conditions.

    Things that do uncounterable, direct Nexus damage feel awful to play against for lack of counterplay - a reason why I used to love this game so much. There's such a wide variety of champions and interesting deck archetypes, but in the end it now comes down to uncounterable damage (also why people hate elusives). The number of times against these burn decks where somehow I've managed to take control of the board and then lost to a top-decked Mystic Shot, or Get Excited, or Decimate... it just feels frustrating and terrible to play against and lose against something that barely needs any skill to play.

    Also some of these suggestions imply having to play SPECIFIC cards just to counter ENTIRE archetypes - thus making a huge amount of deck types unviable. That's not the best design philosophy if that was indeed the philosophy.

    I think the whole problem is also exacerbated by how in LoR you can buy specific cards (which is a great thing for the most part) - but it allows everyone and their grandmoms to run the same cheap meta deck on ladder (I've been facing this same shit since the climb back from Bronze when the season reset). At least in Hearthstone you wouldn't really get the same meta decks until you're much higher up in the ladder - since newer players typically wouldn't have the cards for them.

    Anyways, unhelpful rant aside - I'm going to take a break from this game until this Burn phase goes away.

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