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antmist's Comments

  • antmist's Avatar
    30 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I wonder if after this hero power is activated if playing a lifedrinker into shudderwock would do 12 damage (6 from the lifedrinker, and 6 from the shudderwock copying lifedrinker's battlecry) or 18 damage (6 from lifedrinker with shudderwock copying both activations of lifedrinker twice). I also remember seeing in a stream Harrison drawing cards by destroying a weapon twice so I wonder if you could use bog slosher to give a minion +4/+4 even though it should be in your hand already.

    Either way though, this should be one of the most powerful quests. With lackeys being in the game a lackey generator is usually 2 battlecries in 1 card and in a battlecry deck even some bounce effects could make sense. Also great synergy with the new 2/3 that draws a card if you have a quest active. It's going to have some anti synergy with hero hagatha (although some amazing synergy with minion hagatha) but it's going to be in for a year longer than her. I know it's not too wise to give predictions when only a handful of cards have been revealed, but I wouldn't be too surprised if this turned out to be one of the strongest cards of the next expansion.

    EDIT: Just realised this hero power wasn't passive so no Shudderwock memes unless you have the coin and there's never a good way to use it. Should probably be still decent but not nearly as good as I originally thought.

  • antmist's Avatar
    30 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    If some people are getting warnings while others aren't I wonder if it's more of a single person initiative than a set rule there. I'm curious if the mod giving warnings to Uilebol and dib is the same person. Not saying this was the correct action for them to take, but to be honest I get how mods there could take it upon themselves to warn people. Being somewhere and hearing people say something to the tune of "This place sucks! Everybody, let's leave this place and go there instead!" is going to leave a bitter taste in your mouth no matter how true that statement is.

  • antmist's Avatar
    30 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I also did it first try, I had an amazing co-op partner. On a totally unrelated note, don't you love it when a tavern brawl allows you to complete the pack hunt for both your main and your alt account by playing it just once?

  • antmist's Avatar
    30 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Yeah that was on Monday, according to my deck tracker time stamp it was 1 hour and 4 minutes before the expansion was supposed to hit.

  • antmist's Avatar
    30 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Did you guys confuse the time the arena was out due to them fixing the lackey thing with a big lockout period? The big lockdown periods had happened in the past, but this time they were really short if there were any. I had a 6-2 arena I decided to roll the dice with because 7 win rewards are much better and I thought the deck was good enough for that, I messed it up because it was my first game of the day and while I was upset because it was only a bit over 3 hours until the update and I thought there would be a lockdown, I was able to buy a new arena. Then I thought I'd play until 2 losses, I ended up going 12-0 and I was still able to buy a new arena run about an hour before the update was scheduled. 

    I don't know if that will continue to be the case when the new expansion hits and if they have to take more time to ensure everything is ok when they introduce more cards, but at least in this case it feels like people are complaining about how they think things are instead of how they actually are.

  • antmist's Avatar
    30 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Technically it will be but that's wild. And not only many classes can deal will the mech you would magnetize by that point, but in wild you'll be lucky if they haven't used their own OP combos to kill you instead.

  • antmist's Avatar
    30 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Although I wouldn't complain for getting extra dust, I don't think it's fair to actually expect it. First of all the modified thing you mention is because for over 4 years now, Blizzard's philosophy has been we nerf the OP cards and we don't buff anything, since if we like anything buffed we could simply release a stronger version later as a new card (see ice rager, evil heckler etc.). Buffs is something many players look favorably to, so I am not a fan of essentially blackmailing dust over the wording they had chosen to use when buffing cards wasn't even on their radar. 

    Moral issues aside, I also think it would be better for Blizzard's goals to not give full dust back. They said that the reason that they picked those cards to buff was that these were the ones that could deliver the most fun experiences. However when a card is disenchantable for its full dust value, the course of action that makes the most economical sense is to disenchant all your copies for full dust value and if you really want them back then you can craft them back for essentially no cost. So more people would disenchant the cards leaving fewer people to experiment with them which would partially defeat the purpose of the buffs themselves. 

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