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Bamdoo's Comments

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Quest Priest players know that the deck plays lots of cheap Minions that generate value (Scorpions, the mech guy, the jailed 3/4 and so on, maybe the new 1/3 Legendary minion finder) that will certainly help the spell being infused. The card is cool (I think even in the base version unlike other infuse cards view all the imp stuffs that could come in the next meta as well as Murlocs and mech mages) because is the better area reset for Priest at the moment: the other card that takes care of shielded and high healthed minions too at the moment was the Whirlpool, but this one does something similar way earlier, in a turn that is really important against aggro decks and for an acceptable cost.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I start to laugh thinking that I discussed with people about the possible Nerf of steward (I am the one that disagree about it) and others worried about the steal priest Legendary, and then seeing this one and everyone said wo cool card everything will be ok with such a beautiful and fair card.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    The wildseed generator for hunter seems really cool for a 2 drop. The secret guy has been made for rogue. But the First thing that come up in my mind Is this one. We saw: 1) a 4/4 for 2 mana that can be considered thrash, 2) a spell that create a 6/6 for 2 mana that Is considered hm and 3) the second card for the secondary paladin archetipe (the pure One) have been designed ad waaaaaaay stronger than any other dude pally card we have seen until now (as well as the elitist, obviously). If team5 would have wanted the dude paladin to be a thing, they should have designed its cards to have the Power of those two ones, and they could do it but they didn't. We are "happy" or scary to see steward and promotion but those cards are not that strong compared to other cards that are not considered that strong.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Seeing the rest of the epic signature spells set (primordial wave, impending catastrofe) this one seems the weaker one: what's the point in giving +3+3 to a 1/1? Is it enough to be added in a deck of 30 cards? Ok, it's not a dead card if you draw It and you are not cariel, you can always make a 4/4 with One card and 3 mana, but is it enough, for example, ok turn 5 or 6? It is a very busted champ pump spell, but it's very limited in use and does "not that much" against a board of Monsters. I think dude paladin should have bad something more useful than this, like strong token generators (the blue guy is not enough I think), a strong draw engine (Quest paladin has lost First day of school, for example), proactivity on board (last year we had broomstick that helped questline as well as making the empowered dudes efficient on board immediately) and/or strong area buff (stuff like level up or lightfused stegodon). Single Minion buff spells must be overwhelmingly strong to be efficient (Power Word authority or dinosize, for example). I'm not trusting this direction they want to give dude paladin because It seems like they want you focus on less minions and buff just few of them and for a short amount of time instead of Forever that would be certainly better (such as totems for the stonewright, or Lothraxion for dudes last year).

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Even if the card seems very cool, the main problem about it is that you can't create a deck that relies totally on it. If you can't cast it on turn 4 maybe in the 60+% of the matches it simply lose the most of matches. And again, what does the deck do in the meantime? The past totem shaman have been in a good spot for a brief time thanks to tools like the totemica reflection, as well as the 0cost area buffs and eyes'or. We have to see lots of other cards that could fit there, but I'm not sure that they would be enough to make the deck viable: even the anchored totem is useless in this deck.


  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    The imp mechanic seems interesting but not that strong view that other aggro tools for warlock have been designed primarly for murlocs. The Beast seems cool while infused, as well as the evolve spell. The point is that these infusable cards seems a bit underpowered in the beginning and then become overpowered when infused.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    I agree. I don't think the cards that have been revealed for that archetipe were enough strong to make it work, but creating a card like this one without Lothraxion around is another great obstacle.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    Cariel should not be a problem. The viper Is One of the best tech card ever printed, I don't know the point in nerfing that hero.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    I think that the fact hunter has no other strategies available Is not a reason to leave It unnerfed. There are lots of classes that have no efficient strategies anyway at the moment (Priest and shaman) and they still won't be played if the Quest hunter Will remain unnerfed.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 2 years ago

    It seems that mage and hunter are the best classes in this expansion. Lots of low cost efficient cards that create solid brand new mechanics (mech mage seems way Better than mech pala, as well as mage nagas seems the stronger of all the package) or monstruosly boost old ones (Quest hunter).


  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    The lure is a part of the behemoth, so I don't think it is considered another Minion in the res pool: It probably will be considered as One. The point Is: what if the secondary part of a colossus dies and the main part is transformed in something else (by evolve, for example)? And what if a colossus would pop out of a summoning or a transformation but there are not enough free spaces on the board?

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    The main problem about this card are linked to the actual nature of priest. This one seems likes something you want to play in a deck that spams lots of cheap spells. It looks very strong for shaman, hunter, mage. Priest at the moment could play big dr minions (bye bye nzoth) but cheap spells it runs will rotate. Quest Priest instead would have needed it without the spell count reset at the end of the turn: It would have been a strong card for that deck if it would have allowed you to play Xyrella in the same turn the Quest Is completed, but you can't as it is written.
    So what to do with the extra mana? I don't see anything useful to do with that, view that devs don't want Priest to be a face deck with cheap spells (Shadow Priest have been ostracized many times last year, and I don't think this time will be different) and miracle Priest has Lost the main engine Minions due to rotation (sethekk and azmani) as well as the main spell that helps it in the gameplan, palm reading.
    I don't think serpent wig is something reliable as an engine for that, it's too weak and crunchy: you need Minion to buff and lots of nagas to play, that don't seem that overpowered to justify a deck like this. What is the good point in spamming +1+1 buffs on minions each for 1 mana? And the point is that each copy you create in your hand need another naga ti be played for creating a new copy. Librams did it for 0, then created copies by simply trading and then giving an enormous value with liadrin. Priest seems to be even more unplayable then last year right now, view that it loses the only good cards he had last year, the ones from Phoenix year, and it gains nothing that could cover the losses or even propose something new and reliable.

  • Bamdoo's Avatar
    60 13 Posts Joined 11/23/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    OK they definetely don't want to let players play priest decks.

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