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bankable's Comments

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago



    Oh I don't frequent card games that much.  I reference the others from when I played some.  Most experience was Yugioh and I wasnt a fan of the 1 to 2 turn matches either.  I guess I'm a bit picky, because every card game tailors to what THEY want to see played competitively, not the freedom of deck building.   (My opinon, there is nothing to argue there or change my mind about).

    The difference between the 1-2 turn games in yugioh is that the players know how to use the combos and dig through decks and no what they can do.  There's nothing that allows you to really do that in this.  The only thing close was, imo, a basic brain dead demacia spam, that I think was brought up earlier in the comments.  I don't know about the current state of Yugioh, I also was very brief in my MTG experience so I didnt want to bring up a game I have literally no idea about other than color decks and heroes or legends (their op cards).

    For HS, I have a bit of experience but yea, it looks like HS may be the worst in terms of pay to win for sure.   Spoke too soon about the LoR pay to win.  There's definitely algorithms in place though. (not saying im a good card player could be diamond if it wasnt for my luck - transition to LoL "my teammates keep me silver")  You can see if you go on a hot streak, right after your first draw is unbelievably unlucky and are almost always going against counters no matter what deck you switch to.  I just surrender a few games automatically then go back to regular playing.  


    @ anyone else that wants to just simply come talk shit..This post isnt meant for fanboys/girls to come defend riot's honor by the way, I've happily spent plenty of money and invested a lot of time into LoL.. it's just a discussion about the game.  If youre offended go back to looking up LoL hentai. 

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From thazud

    Each to their own opinion. However, your critique reminds me of when you read a 1-star review of a game from a person who clearly doesn't get what he/she is talking about

    Well I did put there's still things I don't know.  So again, lemme get to the point of... have anything constructive? 

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    @ minuano28 I dont care what champion it is.  I want to play the game, unless evelynn is nip slippin like janet jackson - then idgaf.  I wanna play cards. The animations are too long, and the champion in the animation is irrelevant.  So if you want to comment about doing homework, you can do your own and come up with a well thought out reply like  @DoubleSummon did. 


    HS and Yugioh and other TCG i have experience with the combos and plays are a lil bit more intricate.  LoR = Play card, get op effect.  - starting with this.


    @DoubleSummon - I didnt argue the other games do it, and I believe it was early release you pay for the quest rewards unsure if they provided the cards, again I could be wrong.  I have seen all the hero level ups (I prefer running TF and doin a lil bim bam bizzle), which I mean it just happens once.

      I find myself in numerous games where it's Targon (naturally new = op) and they loop and just sit and take infinite turns.  I dont know the cards well enough to recite what is happening. 

     For the trolls I do mute doesnt mean they still dont intentionally take up the full time and slow roll.  I don't have the time to climb to the top and thats already, but I will voice my opinion. 

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Sorry if it was misleading.  Im not targetting this specifically for the cash grab (even though it is).  The event cards are just dumb.  "Go Hard" lets you just make a whole deck of them, then watch Ahri dance, which you know..if you just pay 30 bucks you get em all!!!!  FUN + INTERACTIVE.  Keep those animations in their cinematics please,  I already wait long enough because trolls like to spam emotes for no reason lol.  Would be nice to stick around to see if collecting all the cards will help and that I just dont have a large enough sample size of what's possible, but there's a million other things I be doing aside from hoping Riot isn't just about cash anymore.  I had a good run, but it looks like I'm a naysayer. 

  • bankable's Avatar
    60 5 Posts Joined 12/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    These new event cards make the game take so much longer than it needs to - not in terms of time limit, but the turns take forever because we have to watch popstar ahri because a spell that blows up the field for barely any cost at all is played, then they play more of those cards and make more of those cards, so that eventually we're basically just watching a shitty superbowl half time show as some n64 graphics ahri dances on the screen. 

     I thought it'd be cool to pick up a card game where I wasnt already so far behind in terms of deck essentials.  I was enjoying it at first but soon realized... there really isn't much thought to this game.  Buy best cards/deck then wait until you get your prize card, or an event card that you play for free with no cost other than its mana lol.  Unenjoyable.  Uninstalling.  Not sure if anyone that has any investment in the game will read or care.  Not a pity party or salty flaming, just stating my observation.  

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