Could Malygos Hunter be a real deck with this card? With all the new spell damage synergy there may be a way to pull off a 20+ damage combo here...
Each Rapid Fire deals 6x2=12, Each Arcane Shot deals 7. 12+12+14= 38!, but requires Malygos to stick a turn. You may not even need all four cards if you have another spell damage source, such as Vereesa Windrunner. Two Rapid Fire gives you 32 damage with Maly and the weapon trigger. And you can just slap in Zul'jin as a backup to fire off your shots again if they interfere over the two-turn setup.
The card has a ton of potential, I love the design. Flexible as a value generator for your own minions (Deathrattles, expensive battlecries, low health minions) or desperation removal for an annoying enemy minion.
If Khadgar isn't the only "summon" synergy in mage, this kind of minion heavy midrange Mage could be successful. Imagine playing Scarab Egg on 2 into this card on 3: Three 1/1s and two 2-cost minions for basically 1.5 cards. That's a very strong board very quickly.
Could Malygos Hunter be a real deck with this card? With all the new spell damage synergy there may be a way to pull off a 20+ damage combo here...
Each Rapid Fire deals 6x2=12, Each Arcane Shot deals 7. 12+12+14= 38!, but requires Malygos to stick a turn. You may not even need all four cards if you have another spell damage source, such as Vereesa Windrunner. Two Rapid Fire gives you 32 damage with Maly and the weapon trigger. And you can just slap in Zul'jin as a backup to fire off your shots again if they interfere over the two-turn setup.
The card has a ton of potential, I love the design. Flexible as a value generator for your own minions (Deathrattles, expensive battlecries, low health minions) or desperation removal for an annoying enemy minion.
If Khadgar isn't the only "summon" synergy in mage, this kind of minion heavy midrange Mage could be successful. Imagine playing Scarab Egg on 2 into this card on 3: Three 1/1s and two 2-cost minions for basically 1.5 cards. That's a very strong board very quickly.
Can't wait to try this out.