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Joined 06/01/2019 Achieve Points 30 Posts 1

Catalyst's Comments

  • Catalyst's Avatar
    30 1 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    In Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh, there have been banned cards in some formats. My question is, why don't you do that with Hearthstone? We've seen cards deemed as "cancer", such as Baku the Mooneater. There probably is some easy reason to this that someone already answered, but it would seem hella lot easier to just delete the card together, refund the dust, or move it into another format, like a format where every card is available(No, not Wild, we would move Baku OUT of the Wild and into this "fun" format). I am not salty about all these Odd paladins or Odd Rogues, because frankly I believe there will always be a deck everyone hates and right now it's a combination of Odd Paladin and Big Priest. I'm not that miffed by Mage because it's they're turn to shine. So why?

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