If you look back at the post where Cheese quoted both you and Avalon it looks like he got his responses backwards. I don't think he meant to call you salty, but rather he meant to call Avalon salty.
Aaah shit you're right, I inverted the quotes. That's why I was so confused by his response. The "salty" comment was directed at Avalon. My bad.
@RavenSunHS - Yes I think resurrect cards should only be high-cost cards. It's not that the base resurrect effect is badly costed, the problem is that when resurrect effects are attached to cheap cards, it can easily become OP with mana-cheating cards or overstatted minions with negative battlecries. Mass Resurrection looks fine because it's a late-game card that is clunky when not used in a dedicated resurrect deck.
@DarthNihilus - I'm against HoFing Divine Spirit (even if Blizzard seems to prefer this solution) because it illustrates Priest's class identity well, and it is clearly Inner Fire that is the problematic card that should be HoF'd, but Blizzard wants to keep. I tried to come up with something that's not ideal but would fix the in the short (but not long) term. That said, "starts at X damage" makes more sense than a damaging battlecry for these cards.
And yes, Northshire Cleric would be more balanced as a 2mana 1/4 or a 3mana 1/6 or something.
The problem is that your solution isn't simple or minimalist at all, it's effectively introducing a new mechanic "Starts at" to address a very very minor balance concern affecting 4 cards in the whole game. Whether or not such an intervention is even warranted is a whole separate question, but this solution is deeply inelegant if you ask me.
I dislike inner fire OTKs as much as the next guy but the problem is clearly with Divine Spirit and Inner Fire, not slightly beefier-than-average minions. High-rolls on effects that randomly summon, evolve or resurrect minions will always be a part of the game, and these aren't even the most egregious examples. Warlock is full of overstatted demons with negative battlecries that are great to get if you don't have to pay the full price.
Your post oozes with salt. Agree that Priest's core sets need a rework though.
You started a thread suggesting a nerf to the injured gang of all things. I'm not sure on what basis you're calling anyone else salty.
He directly borderline insulted me, suggesting that I want those nerfs because I lose a lot against Combo Priest which is absolutely baseless. I main CW with Silence tech and don't have a specific problem with this matchup in terms of winrate. My problem is the same as everyone else: it's unfair. Since IF won't be HoF'd, something else should be done.
Won't even answer this argument because he obviously just came here to pick a fight.
The problem is that your solution isn't simple or minimalist at all
A simple and minimalist change is EVIL Miscreant from 5 to 4 health; reworking an entire mechanic (removing a Battlecry and adding an aura-like effect which isn't immediate at all) just to be sure that Priest will suck is nowhere near what you said in the title.
Moreover, you said that you wanted to bring a solution to the RESURRECT mechanic (again, see the title), but I don't see any purpose here: you're just talking about some minions (which have been nearly to never been played) that happen to be good in a resurrect deck whose only "cheat" card is Psychopomp. What about Big Priest? Is that ok just because it doesn't fuck up your Standard matchups? Ok cool.
I'm not implying that Priest doesn't need some sort of rework (God I really hope since it's the class I have the most wins with), but all I'm seeing is a rant thread just because you can't win that matchup with your deck.
The problem is that your solution isn't simple or minimalist at all, it's effectively introducing a new mechanic "Starts at" to address a very very minor balance concern affecting 4 cards in the whole game. Whether or not such an intervention is even warranted is a whole separate question, but this solution is deeply inelegant if you ask me.
I dislike inner fire OTKs as much as the next guy but the problem is clearly with Divine Spirit and Inner Fire, not slightly beefier-than-average minions. High-rolls on effects that randomly summon, evolve or resurrect minions will always be a part of the game, and these aren't even the most egregious examples. Warlock is full of overstatted demons with negative battlecries that are great to get if you don't have to pay the full price.
I agree that HoFing Inner Fire is the best solution but Blizzard heavily hinted that they won't do it (it seems they want to HoF DS instead which is weird because IF is obviously the problematic card here). I thought this is an acceptable alternative. Yes, it would be a new mechanic, but that's what Blizz devs are paid for.
Since the initial damage is not tied to a Battlecry, it will also be here when those are summoned without being played as it is the case with Resurrect effects.
Combo Priest is the best deck in the game because of the consistency provided by Injured Tol'vir and Psychopomp. The deck becomes much weaker when it can't easily resurrect a 2/6 or a 4/7 on turn 4.
This change would also be good for the long-term health of the game. Who else never facepalmed when Wandering Monster spawns a 4/7 or Faceless Lackey a 2/6 Taunt?
Aaah shit you're right, I inverted the quotes. That's why I was so confused by his response. The "salty" comment was directed at Avalon. My bad.
@RavenSunHS - Yes I think resurrect cards should only be high-cost cards. It's not that the base resurrect effect is badly costed, the problem is that when resurrect effects are attached to cheap cards, it can easily become OP with mana-cheating cards or overstatted minions with negative battlecries. Mass Resurrection looks fine because it's a late-game card that is clunky when not used in a dedicated resurrect deck.
@DarthNihilus - I'm against HoFing Divine Spirit (even if Blizzard seems to prefer this solution) because it illustrates Priest's class identity well, and it is clearly Inner Fire that is the problematic card that should be HoF'd, but Blizzard wants to keep. I tried to come up with something that's not ideal but would fix the in the short (but not long) term. That said, "starts at X damage" makes more sense than a damaging battlecry for these cards.
And yes, Northshire Cleric would be more balanced as a 2mana 1/4 or a 3mana 1/6 or something.
He directly borderline insulted me, suggesting that I want those nerfs because I lose a lot against Combo Priest which is absolutely baseless. I main CW with Silence tech and don't have a specific problem with this matchup in terms of winrate. My problem is the same as everyone else: it's unfair. Since IF won't be HoF'd, something else should be done.
Won't even answer this argument because he obviously just came here to pick a fight.
Your post oozes with salt. Agree that Priest's core sets need a rework though.
I agree that HoFing Inner Fire is the best solution but Blizzard heavily hinted that they won't do it (it seems they want to HoF DS instead which is weird because IF is obviously the problematic card here). I thought this is an acceptable alternative. Yes, it would be a new mechanic, but that's what Blizz devs are paid for.
EDIT: Fixed the quote inversion.
Since the initial damage is not tied to a Battlecry, it will also be here when those are summoned without being played as it is the case with Resurrect effects.
Combo Priest is the best deck in the game because of the consistency provided by Injured Tol'vir and Psychopomp. The deck becomes much weaker when it can't easily resurrect a 2/6 or a 4/7 on turn 4.
This change would also be good for the long-term health of the game. Who else never facepalmed when Wandering Monster spawns a 4/7 or Faceless Lackey a 2/6 Taunt?