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daggydwarf's Comments

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I actually love the tavern brawl idea! If I remember correctly, the entire classic mode came out of the tavern brawl where you could play famous world championship matchups. If it shifted around to various metas every week, it would eventually land on whatever meta was your favourite. And pretty much never get stale.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I actually love it for the nostalgia, but of course I have to admit the mode is extremely unpopular. It doesn't hold people's interest, especially since it has literally not had a patch since it was released a year and a half ago. One thing I'm using it for is as a refuge when you aren't crazy about what's going on in the standard and/or wild meta, so that's still there.

    I wouldn't like to see them give up on it completely, though as you say that's a distinct possibility. It's hard to imagine they are profiting off of classic packs.

    As far as people dusting all their wild cards, I know that's a thing, and I wonder how widespread it is? I think the Hearthstone Mathematics youtube channel had a poll about this, but I couldn't find it when I went looking.

    But yeah, there wouldn't be any point in crafting cards for a mode like this, especially if it was clearly transient, e.g. next one could be the "Blackrock Mountain" event so you wouldn't be able to use that Frost Lich Jaina if you just crafted that for the Frozen Throne event.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I've been playing a bit of Classic lately, and with all the rumours flying around about the potential upcoming Death Knight class being added to the game, I thought I'd share a theory.

    Back in one of his AMAs, Iksar was throwing a few theories around about what might become of classic, and he said this:

    Quote From IksarHS
    One that replaces classic. Rotates, but not super often. Think Classic –> MSOG, then 6 months or a year later it rotates to something else.

    He only mentioned Gadgetzan as an example. What if the next expansion is Northrend-themed, and Classic mode rotates to what was then Wild (or Standard) mode when Knights of the Frozen Throne came out? Or, perhaps more likely, the Spreading Plague/Fiery War Axe nerf patch.

    I would be pretty geeked about that as that was the time when I first started playing competitively, trying to rank up and collect cards.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I hope nobody spent the dust they got. They gave me around 7600 dust yesterday, but I just logged in and the dust is gone. I hadn't received any of those uncraftable goldens (other than earning them normally), so no surprise that I didn't earn any dust from this. I'm just glad I didn't craft anything with that 7600 dust while I had it!

    In reply to Extra Dust?!?
  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    This happened to me as well, last week sometime I think. I think tried closing the client and re-opening, but that didn't work. I was going to login to battle.net and raise a bug request, but the next day when I went back I was able to get in. Sorry I don't remember the particulars -- the patch might have landed in between? Anyway if it doesn't go away, it's worth raising it with blizzard.

    In reply to Arena Bug
  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Love the artwork on this one!

    It’s nice that the damage can go face, or even hit your own face if you’re doing the self-damage quest. But 4 mana is too much for 3 damage. I doubt the voidwalkers are going to be helpful enough to balance this card out where you will want to run it in your deck.

    I would play it in arena though.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    This also worked once for me this week. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it “confirmed” but that is three separate people. I wonder if this will be considered a bug and they’ll fix it later, or if it’s intended.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    It depends a bit on whether you're planning to play the new Classic format. If you wait to open those packs, you'll be able to open the old cards like Power Overwhelming, Ice Lance, Azure Drake, etc, which are in the Hall of Fame right now.

    Personally, I am planning to play Classic so I'm holding about 14-15 packs from Tavern Brawls.

    If you open the packs now you could get cards like Arcane Devourer which are completely useless and unplayable, and will still be after rotating to Wild. Personally I don't see much point in opening the packs now -- very few Classic cards are relevant in the meta anyway. But if you are missing some and you really want to play them for the next few weeks until the rotation, maybe that's a good reason.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I think they said you'll get all the core cards by merely getting each class to level 10. So you'll get all the DH cards for free when the core set comes out. It's the golden versions of those cards that you'd be missing. I'm kind of curious about how many levels you'll have to reach to get those, but they haven't announced anything yet.

    In reply to Core cards and Levels
  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Giving this minion lifesteal with Lightforged Blessing or Apotheosis would be kind of nice, damage the board & get a big heal.

    Also, if there is ever a spell that gives a minion poisonous, this will clear almost any board. Rogues could do it with Plaguebringer but would still need a spell on top of that, which is too complicated and slow for rogue.

    In reply to Wretched Tutor
  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Yeah, you're right, it doesn't glow green so it is somehow not considering the +2 attack as a buff.

    I tried out Splintergraft as well, and the 10/10 Overconfident Orc stays as a 10/10 on the board, similarly to the 1/1 and 3/3 tokens.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Okay I was still curious so I tried some of these out. The Holomancer interaction is broken in the same way the Pack Tactics one is. The token should be a 3/1 (or a 1/1 with +2 attack buff) but it's just a 1/1.

    Then I tried it out with Emeriss. WTF?! Okay, in hand it's a 2/12 just like you'd expect. But then, when you play it, it becomes a 2/12 with +4 attack?! So it shows as a 6/12. Somehow the Emeriss handbuff also doubles the board-based bonus?!?!

    I've got a screenshot and a short video but I don't see any way to upload them into the forum posts.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I've definitely noticed issues like this. Like I just clicked through to "Highlander Hunter" from the meta page, and then on "Best Performing Deck", and it shows a deck with Zilliax in it still.

    I think it's always taken them a few days after an expansion or a nerf to sort out the new meta decks. One time, they basically blocked all the stats and said "coming soon" (possibly after Rise of Shadows came out). The way they've done it this time, there's definitely some inconsistent data, but at least you can access it.

    If you skip the "Overview" sections and go straight to searching for decks, there's a "Last 3 days" view which might help. They'll also probably sort everything out in a few more days anyway.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I've noticed while playing Highlander Hunter that there is an unusual interaction between Pack Tactics and Overconfident Orc. When your Overconfident Orc is summoned as a 3/3, the game considers him not to be at "full health" and he doesn't get the bonus +2 attack. It seems to me like the token should be a 5/3 while he's undamaged, since the wording on the card says "while at full health".

    Does this seem like a bug?

    Trying to think of other examples, like if you played Sunkeeper Tarim on a board with a Tar Creeper, it would still get its +2 attack and show as a 5/3 while defending. And of course an enrage minion doesn't get its enrage bonus when a 3/3 token of it was summoned. (I just tried this out with Spiteful Smith and the 3/3 token does not buff the weapon while undamaged.)

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    In the days of 25 stars from rank 5 to legend, I often found an inflection point at the bottom of rank 2. I found it pretty easy to get to rank 2, but often got knocked back from there. HSReplay had stats on each of the ranks from 5 to legend as well, and you could see the breakdown would show both the popularity of most decks and their winrates vary quite a lot, especially at the top 2 ranks. This was ages ago but one example I can remember was Even Shaman after the nerf to cube warlock. The deck had a great winrate up to rank 2, but then it went to sub-50%, and that was reflected exactly in my success.

    Sometimes the meta shifts day by day, even hour by hour. If you're winning more than half your games, you can eventually push through. I don't think it's necessarily luck (although that's obviously a huge part of everything in HS). And your deck may not be bad, just maybe need to tune it for the local meta you're facing.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Leeerouy

    Wait does this mean that if I get a golden card I won't get the normal one anymore? I don't want to play with golden cards so I always disenchant them immediately.

    Hey, I know this is an old thread but I've been able to open a fair few packs to see this system in action now that the new expansion is out. Hopefully you're not worried about this anymore. It looks like the duplicate protection allows for dusting your gold cards. Even if you dust the gold copy of a card, the game will not consider the regular (non-golden) one "collected" and will fill it in eventually.

    All in all, I'm extremely happy & impressed with the new system!

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I don't recommend this to anyone else, but I'm actually one of the foolish people who likes to collect the golden cards. I guess for most players this question isn't relevant at all.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    By "before" do you mean after the patch? I also had more than 2x golden cards before the patch, before any duplicate protection on commons, I had 4 golden Earth Shocks for a while before dusting them.

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    So we know how the duplicate protection works for regular cards -- once the cards are all marked as "collected" in a given set, whether you dusted them or not, that rarity becomes totally random with no duplicate protection.

    My question is -- do we know which order the duplicate protection happens in for golden cards? What I mean is, does it first check your collection to see if you have collected all the commons, then roll for whether you're getting a regular or golden common, and then choose which card? Or does it first check for whether you're getting a regular or golden common, then check if you have all the golden commons "collected" from this set, and then choose which card? In which case you can effectively not open duplicates of golden cards unless you already collected them all?

    My first guess was "definitely not", but since the patch I have opened six golden cards (four commons and two rares), as well as getting a golden Bronze Gatekeeper as an arena reward, and none of those seven were duplicates. The sample size is really small, obviously, so I'm guessing the community as a whole will know?

    Even with the pre-order packs from Outland, it's pretty unlikely to get a 3rd golden common or rare to disprove the duplicate protection is happening for golds. Anyone out there experienced this yet?

  • daggydwarf's Avatar
    605 23 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    This is obviously too late, but just for future reference, it turned out that it was not retroactive. I had dusted all my copies of Raiding Party for example, after the nerf last year, and those were my only missing rares from Rastakhan's Rumble. I opened one RR pack and it had two rares in it -- both copies of Raiding Party! I also opened a copy of Scion of Ruin from DoD pack I got as an arena reward, which I had collected in the past but dusted when it was nerfed. I had several other similar examples as well. But testing out the new system, dusting a card now after the patch does indeed leave it as "collected", and you don't even get that card when you've collected all the other cards of that rarity in the set, they're totally random from then on.