DestroyerR's Avatar


Design Champion
Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 625 Posts 529

DestroyerR's Comments

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Nice try, but also wrong. Any other guessers?

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Good guess, but nope. And thanks!

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I found the original one pretty neat, let’s see how this goes...

    To quote the legendary Riosix:

    It's a treasure hunt using your Hearthstone card collection. I'll start it off with a riddle, and you try to figure out what card I'm talking about. First one to answer correctly picks a new card and makes the next riddle. Make it as difficult as you want, just not impossible :)

    I’ll start with:

    Alone I’m quite fearsome,

    you better watch out,

    but doubled I’m more than tripled,

    and my gurgle - a mighty shout.

    EDIT: Added leaderboard:



  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago


    Must be a Shaman spell that transforms stuff into frogs in some way

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    My suggestion (that I know will never happen but I can dream) to "solve" the disparity in Casual:

    3 Modes - Ranked, Casual, and idk EXTRA Casual

    • Ranked is the normal ladder as it exists now, EXCEPT you get 10g for 2 wins (so 2 "megacrowns" = 10g)
    • Casual is exactly like it is now with the same 3 "normal" crowns = 10g 
    • EXTRA Casual gives no gold rewards at all

    That way people who are in it for the gold will stay on the ladder since the rewards would be better. People who want to play T2/T3 decks, practice, tweak "real" decks have Casual as a testing ground to do so while also getting "something" for winning. And people who want to try their ridiculous "Hey can I summon 7 Highkeeper Ras at once?!" decks without getting bodied in 6 turns have a place to do that as well since nobody would play EXTRA Casual with anything other than a fun, goofy deck.

    Since the above will never happen: I've said this in other threads, but for me this is a game, meant to be fun. Yes it's competitive, but I really don't get the mentality where people don't seem to comprehend there is someone else on the other side of that screen who is maybe not playing this to be the very best (like no one ever was! Da dahn da dah!) but is instead playing to have fun. So when you're "testing" or "practicing" decks that are proven Tier 1s in Casual and you run into someone playing Silence Priest or Beast Druid, maybe you should be the nicer/bigger person, concede to them, and move on. You aren't gaining any experience or whatever since this is a deck you'll never see on the ladder, and then you can go find another opponent that will actually provide you the option to improve if that's what you're really after. 

    That applies to the memer too, though. In fact, it stands to reason that the person who has a problem with playing that specific match (AKA the memer) would concede and move on. 

    Obviously the best solution would be the “extra casual” solution, but as you said, that’s not going to happen.

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Would be interesting to see. Poisonous is obviously incredibly good, but it’s also immediately targetable

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From KANSAS

    Is casual a place where there is supposed to be no tier-1 decks? or is it supposed to be just like ranked mode with no risk/rewards? What is your philosophy about the Casual format?

    I personally think that Casual is a place where you can play whatever deck you want without having to worry about winning or losing. I think that looking at he format as a place where tier 99 decks can be viable is the wrong way of looking at it. I enjoy playing casual because I can be at rank 7 - 5 stars and still be able to try out a odd homebrew deck without having to worry about falling back to rank 10.

    Definitely agree. If you don’t want to face that T1 deck, you can just concede and move on, especially since you’re not losing anything 

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Next: A spell which has two different states/levels. It can switch between them, or have one be the upgraded version of the other, just be sure to use both artworks.


  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    Well my roping "benefits" me in that it makes me feel better and enjoy my game more, which is as much "benefit" as someone else might get from gold farming. And it "solves the issue" of me not being able to communicate to this person that I think they're an ass.

    What's hypocritical is to say that everyone else gets to be a dick, but not me. I have to sit here and say "oh thanks for wasting my time by playing your T1 deck I can't possible beat with my goofy T5 deck. Here let me make it easy for you and concede and give you exactly what you want and thank you sir may I have another?" Not buying it. You want to turn the other cheek, be my guest. But until either 1) Blizzard gives a place to exclusive play nonsense meme decks, or 2) people stop bringing ladder decks into the one place that ideally should be free of them, I'm going to continue to tell people who are actively ruining my good time that I can do the same.

    Here's a fun idea: No gold rewards for Casual. Period. Bet you wouldn't see too many T1 decks then, huh?


    1. The thing is, it’s not for you to decide what decks belong in each format. What would happen if someone with your logic decided that [insert your wacky T5 deck here] is cancerous and unfun to play against, decided you’re a dick for playing it and roped you for no reason other than that? That’s basically what you’re doing to those people bringing T1 decks. Every person has their idea of fun and annoying, you don’t have any special authority that allows you to equate playing certain decks with something objectively dickish, like roping.


    2. The fact you feel better and enjoy your game more by getting a petty revenge on people you think were being annoying instead of being mature and moving on isn’t worthy of praise.


    You can clearly see most people here agree with me. You can either see that as a sign you may be on the wrong after all, or ignore it. I couldn’t care less.

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From ArngrimUndying
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I am 100% with you on this.

    The only times I ever rope are:

    1) If I get roped first, almost always on Turn 1 - that tends to get people to knock it off.

    2) If I'm playing in Casual and come up against someone playing Tier 1 netdecks to gold farm those of us playing memes (as just happened with 6 Secret Highlander Paladins in a row this morning). As soon as I see what you are I rope every. single. turn. You want that easy win? Sure, but I'm going to suck up as much of your time as I possibly can. The more time you're stuck with me, the less time you can bother other people and I can just as easily read the news while I wait for my timer to burn down each turn. 

    Fundamentally, my philosophy is the same as that of 2nd century Chinese warrior-sage Zhuge Liang: "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck (Hey!) Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit!" Truly a wise, wise man.  

    Might just be me, but wasting other people’s time because they’re playing a deck you don’t like doesn’t seem heroic or considerate. It’s just being a dick

    Being a gold farmer in Casual is also being a dick. Give shitty, get shitty. 

    No it isn’t. Playing Casual doesn’t mean you have the right to punish the opponent for playing a deck that is unfun to you.

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I am 100% with you on this.

    The only times I ever rope are:

    1) If I get roped first, almost always on Turn 1 - that tends to get people to knock it off.

    2) If I'm playing in Casual and come up against someone playing Tier 1 netdecks to gold farm those of us playing memes (as just happened with 6 Secret Highlander Paladins in a row this morning). As soon as I see what you are I rope every. single. turn. You want that easy win? Sure, but I'm going to suck up as much of your time as I possibly can. The more time you're stuck with me, the less time you can bother other people and I can just as easily read the news while I wait for my timer to burn down each turn. 

    Fundamentally, my philosophy is the same as that of 2nd century Chinese warrior-sage Zhuge Liang: "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck (Hey!) Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit!" Truly a wise, wise man.  

    Might just be me, but wasting other people’s time because they’re playing a deck you don’t like doesn’t seem heroic or considerate. It’s just being a dick

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Is it just me or is the art not showing up?

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From scr26x

    How do you know when you play against bots?

    Talking about the forums that are currently infested with spam bots. 

    To be fair, it’s only one bot

    In reply to Rise of bots
  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    So.. Rip the peaceful botless days? 

    Times... change...

    In reply to Rise of bots
  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    @Paquitopaq those are made of Void though. I tend to agree with @RavenSunHS, The Darkness looks more like Ancient Shade and Shifting Shade than anything else in the game

    edit: wait a minute, both of these minions a aren’t classified as Elementals. Whoops

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From GoliathTheDwarf

    Here's a version of Karahzan I just brainstormed.

    “Your minions have Spell Damage +1”, and the “you” after the Crumble is unnecessary imo, but suppose you only meant to showcase the idea

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    @griffior don’t really like how the text is put directly on the art, makes it harder to rea

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    The “Crumble Condition” can be shortened into Crumble, and you’d have to make a custom Keyword for this to behave like a Stronghold rather than a normal spell (similar to how Secrets have to start with “Secret:” to work differently from just a permanent aura spell). I’m ultimately just going back to my original format suggestion.

    The idea of how exactly the Stronghold gives a way to destroy itself is very well executed here! Are you planning to make all of them like that?

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    @Kovachut yep, don’t know why it came to my mind, but I figured I’d share it

    @FieselFritz aw, you ruined the surprise! But yeah that’s basically it

  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    @DoubleSummon I could just tell you... but where’s the fun in that? Try it and see for yourself!