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Joined 07/01/2019 Achieve Points 85 Posts 5

DJarr's Comments

  • DJarr's Avatar
    85 5 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago


    Hero Power: "Frozen Champion" 1 mana  Freeze a Minion.

    As in, you only freeze the 1 minion you want to buy next turn, but all other minions in the tavern get to be rerolled with the automatic reroll at the start of each turn. It's not overpowered and there is a clear benefit to only freezing the minion you want.

    The 0 mana freeze all is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing in that you don't lose the minion(s) you want to buy, but it's a curse because you lose the option to have the frozen minions you don't want to be rerolled for free, which means you have less chance to finding the other minions you would want. 

  • DJarr's Avatar
    85 5 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Well, if you want to make it a hero, why not give only the nozdormu player a ready button. When that player presses the button the timer goes to only 15 seconds remaining, unless there's allready less then 15 seconds remaining.

    As Nozdormu you could then put time pressure on everyone else

  • DJarr's Avatar
    85 5 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I think you guys are barking up the wrong tree here. You see a problem and immediatly cry nerf, rather then looking at the bigger picture.
    The simple reason of why mogu fleshshaper + mutate is powerfull is because people aren't running cards that awnser it. Or they have a removal option, but are playing a highlander deck and therefor can't consistently find their 1 awnser in time.

    You won't hear the control warrior player complain as much about mogu fleshshaper evolve because he has the tools to deal with it. Same with the mecha'thun warlock player, he has plague of flames or voodoo doll + mortal coil to deal with an early big minion.

    The fact is, cards like sap, shadow word death, subdue, hex, polymorph ... are seeing not enough play. There is a chance cards like ethereal lackey, vulpera scoundral, mana cyclone, can give you the removal you need but the chances usually aren't in your favor.

    Sometimes you highroll your opponent, sometimes you get highrolled but you can't demand a nerf because you refuse to play the awnsers that are in the game or rely on inconsistent strategies to beat those highroller plays.

  • DJarr's Avatar
    85 5 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    If you wanna play with certain sets or card bans, you can allready do that to a limited extend. Challenge a friend to a game and then both use decks that only include the cards you want. It's not perfect because of random summons, discovers, etc still giving you a chance to get cards outside of the agreed cardpool, but at least it's something.

    Your idea to allow the creator of this alternative mode to buff/nerf cards is never going to happen. It's going to create to much chaos. You're probably thinking it's possible because of the world championship brawl each year, but that's only 1 game mode and the changes are the same for everyone. If creative mode is going to be a thing there will be thousands of these alternative rules modes active all at once and everyone would be nerfing/buffing cards differently. There's going to be too many versions of the same card which most likely will result in the game breaking for many people. Just imagine all the bugs that are in the game after a new set release, but then on steroids. It's not going to be a fun time.


    I do think creative mode could have a home in hearthstone, at least a specific section of hearthstone: fireside gatherings. It allready has tavern brawls that are exlusive to fireside gatherings, so I can see it hapening that the host of a fireside gathering could make a custom tavern brawl some time in the future. 

  • DJarr's Avatar
    85 5 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    My favorite card so far is Earthquake

    I do like control style decks alot, so a good boardclear allways makes me happy. On top of that I really like what they did with the card. Usually in games, it's all about that initial big shockwave causing alot of damage, but here they also gave notice to the aftershock. That to me is just good design. Another thing about this card that get's me exited, at least if it works how I think it's gonna work, is that you can deal with deathrattle effects to an extent. While unable to fully clear big deathrattle minions like cairne, it does allow you to deal with smaller deathrattle stuff, like scarab egg or soul of the forrest/murloc boards.

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