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Dolphinslayer's Comments

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago


    I could not pass up this opportunity for one of my favorite hearthstone memes. 

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Feedback time! Will try to continue to update as they come in.


    Void Tear - I agree with cursedparrot, this needs to have a hard(er) cap. I think it would be much better at 6 or 7 mana the way that he suggests wording it, with a maximum of a 4 damage. 8 mana to practically guarantee a fully healed hero and a board clear is insane, and I can run two copies of it in my deck.

    Ayla, Overeager Healer - This is interesting, but I don't know how good it would be. As it stands, it's a very situational removal tool that gets held back by being able to hit your minions. I feel that it would whiff 99% of the time, and the times where it hits often come with you losing minions/tempo on the board at the same time. I think the idea is interesting, but the execution is not perfect.


    Northshire Steward - So Sen'jin Shieldmasta truly is dead, huh?

    I think this would be a really solid option, but honestly I think it might be TOO good, as in TOO frustrating to get rid of. I might be wrong about that though, I'm not overly confident that it's just absurdly broken.

    Undercity Acolyte - This really ins a cool card, I think you did well riding the line with the cost and effect since like you said, it could kill itself with the hero power. Not too consistent, but in the right situation it's perfect. Well done.


    Scarlet Bishop - This is more of a question with the way that this effect is worded - is the "you" referenced in the Overheal clause meaning the Overheal that has been applied to only your hero this turn? Or is it for anything that has been Overhealed by your CARDS this turn? It's hard to make a distinction given that none of these cards have been printed yet, but regardless;

    I like it, it does it's job nicely, pretty efficient at 2 mana so it doesn't feel impossible to cast; good.

    Embodiment of Light - This feels perfect for a card like this; if Overheal had been a keyword from the beginning, I'm certain a card like this would already have existed. The only thing that gives me a little bit of hesitation is both Divine Shield and Lifesteal, because that seems like it's almost pushed too hard. 

    Observer of Ancients - This feels really powerful. If Overheal were a "Spellburst" type effect that triggered one time, I feel like this card would be balanced; but as is, a repeatable "board clear" (because most of the time, this is going to clear the board if done repeatedly) is insane for such a "low*" requirement. If you play the new priest location on an earlier turn, you can activate it's Overheal immediately on turn 5, which isn't necessarily broken in and of itself, but it's really good if you can do it over multiple turns. I may be overreacting to this, but I think the numbers definitely need some tweaking to have a shot at being balanced.


    Redeem in the Light - This feels nice, not too strong, not too weak; I could definitely see this being printed in the inevitable return of sidequests.

    Lightborn Surveyor - This card brings back up the issue I had with Demon's card, where it boils down to how Overheal works. Does the "amount YOU overheal" include JUST the Overhealing done to Face? If so, this card is not great. If it's Overhealing ALL targets included, then this seems possibly TOO good. I'd nerf the health a little bit, as having a decent board survive to turn three with the new priest location still up would be insanely good, a super big body to come down on just turn 3.


    First off, welcome back. 

    Zealous Pacifist - This card feels like it just missed out on something. It has Undead synergy, yes; The can't attack line makes me think of Silence Priest, but then you lose the Overheal ability from it. Overall, it might just be enough to have a taunt-y undead that keeps growing, and for that it's good.


    Twilight's Balance - I think that this one is my favorite of your cards. Priest isn't necessarily tied to buffing attack but they are known for buffing minion health and a lot of the time that ends up being in some way tied to buffing attack too, like inner fire. This card also uses buffing the minions' health to buffing their attack, and on the right board, it can be very effective. A cheap way to apply a board-wide buff to your minions, this is solid.

    Apostle of the Night - I like that this goes along with the worgen theme of swapping attack and health each turn, and how that also plays into some turns making it easier to buff your next turn's attack by overhealing it, etc. I don't know if a 2/4 for 3 mana that gets more attack sometimes is really that good by itself, but it's very flavorful and does have some scaling. Nice.

    Fergus the Redeemer - This seems a little convoluted, but it's probably a little better than just straight up saying "Overheal: Resurrect a random friendly minion". I think it's probably fine at the end of the day, but I admit that I'm saying this only because I failed to think of a way to break it off the top of my head.


    This wording is extremely confusing. Is the "Health they were Overhealed for." supposed to count all Health that you have been Overhealed for the entire game? Is it only the health that they have been Overhealed for since the weapon has been out? Either way, I don't think this is broken by any means; unlike something like Ice Block for mage, for instance, you don't become immune after; I just think it's really wonky, and probably wouldn't be printed just to avoid the headache.

    Edit: As BasilAnguis pointed out, there's no counterplay since it's a battlecry effect. My previous comments about it not being broken might still stand if it was a passive effect on the weapon that would remove 1 durability when activated; but I still don't think it's a "Better Ice Block;" Most of the reason people play that card is for the immunity.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago


    My first attempt at this. Natalie is all about balance, so it feels very flavorful to have healing cause damage, and for damaging spells to cause healing. 

    May be overtuned; either way, welcoming feedback as always.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago


    This was my first thought for the submission. As a side note, the way I think this would work, obviously, is the minion would take damage equal to your total attack after hitting you, but I'm not 100% positive on that, so if it doesn't work, then I obviously would do something else. 

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Early feedback, will continue to update as they come in.


    I like this card for what it does; however, for a hearthstone card, until you see it get played, it's gonna be really hard to know what the card does at a base level. That being said, I think this is probably too cheap at 3 mana. Yes, if you're not in the right board state, this does way less damage, but if they have 2 minions, this is 6 damage (3 probably to face), if they have 3 minions, this is 10 damage (4 to face); the tradeoff of needing to be in the right situation to use it doesn't feel so bad when it's scaling so insanely well. TL;DR, I like it, but it could definitely benefit from some tweaks to cost and wording (although if it costs more than 4, it's probably not as good of a removal tool as something like mage's old Rolling Fireball). And, at the end of the day, if it's too hard to come up with a way to make this hit minions AND face, it might just be better to have it go in a circle with minions only, just to shorten the wording.


    I like transmute a lot, very flavorful and efficient. I also like Roar of Time, too. I first thought it might be too good, but the more I think about it, I think it just has a high skill ceiling to use correctly. Either way, I think they both are great options.


    This is interesting for a mage card; Kind of a mini Ultimate Infestation like card. I don't exactly know which kinds of deck would be looking to actually run it, outside of maybe Questline Mage from stormwind who wants both the damage part to interact with the board and the card draw. I think it might be a little UNDER-whelming if anything, my questions about which decks would run this mainly stem from the fact that paying 6 mana to deal 3 damage and draw 3 cards and summon a mediocre minion feels like it might be a little too passive (I can't imagine saying that about a card that does so much, but Cornelius Roame never saw any play). 


    Silence really isn't something Hunter has had in their wheelhouse ever, outside of the odd neutral beast that did it. The dormancy thing might be interesting to kind of lock out a board slot, but not really relevant in a deck as fast as most Hunter decks. At the end of the day, I think most hunters move fast enough that they probably would leave this card behind and just hit it for direct damage instead.


    This card is worded a little confusingly. Does the destroy them "all" mean it destroys all frozen minions, or all minions? If it's all minions, this is definitely gross, as a four mana board wipe. If it's just frozen ones, then this would probably be okay if it didn't have twinspell. 4 mana destroy TWO targeted enemy minions is still insanely good. Frost DK has other ways to freeze minions, so I think the card as printed without twinspell is good enough that it would see play.

    *SIDENOTE - what AI did you use for the art? With some tweaking, I could see it looking really nice.


  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    The bane of combo decks, though this kind of disruption isn't as bad if you can keep combo pieces safe with ETC. Although, if this hits your ETC, you're screwed then too.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Feedback time!

    While the keyword isn't super exiting, I really like what you did with it. Especially the Priest card is super cool! Two concerns: 1) If Duplicate really replays the whole card, wouldn't that create an infinite loop, even if the tooltip says "one more time"? 2) You're missing a third card ;-)

    The intended way for this to work would be like twinspell, where it duplicates exactly once, and then the summoned copy would not have Duplicate. And yeah, I'm not too sold on the keyword anyways, I was working on a few third options that never came to me. I'll probably come around with another keyword soon.



  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Early feedback, will update more as they come in.


    Legacy is an interesting keyword, though I don't know how interesting the design space of the keyword itself would be rather than just whatever weapon it's attached to. I actually think Legacy being a keyword that meant "This always keeps enchantments" could be more interesting if done right, although there's a chance that that ends up being kind of same-y and repetitive too.

    Storm is probably the most interesting of the three keywords of your first batch. I think it sets itself apart from manathirst in a really interesting way, as evidenced by rain of arrows. I don't think rain of arrows simply having "Manathirst (7)" would be anywhere near balanced, so I think there is definitely room to explore this space.

    Burden does not feel distinct enough from Quests in my opinion. Quests are already designed in a way that including them in your deck/activating them comes at a cost (or, at least the good ones are *cough* stormwind *cough*). That cost being including the card in your deck, having no turn 1 play, and most importantly, filling your deck with OTHER cards that probably wouldn't be there if they weren't included to complete the quest consistently. Burden certainly is different, making the quest essentially "complete" early in the game and dealing with the downside for the remainder of the game instead of for the first part of the game, but that develops different problems. Either the downside is so punishing that you would never want to play the Reward in the first place, or it's meaningless and you just played a 1 mana spell (that I assume starts in your opening hand like a quest? although I could be wrong) that just turns the game into a 1-sided slaughter from turn 1. 
    TL;DR, not unworkable, but I think it would be better to just stick with Quests.

    Encore is cool, and very flavorful for a Shaman keyword. A lot of Shaman's "repeat your last/other battlecries this game" cards are really, really good, and sometimes so prohibitively powerful that they limit future design space. We all know which card(s) I'm talking about here LOL. However, Encore is a really nice fix to this problem by limiting which Battlecries can be affected by this new strong but balanced keyword. Nice!

    Launch is also very nice, but I think it would be (I don't want to say better, but maybe more interesting) if it was the EXACT opposite of Finale, as in you have to play it and still have remaining mana left in your turn. That way, the bonus effect comes at the cost of disrupting your curve. Otherwise, a lot of these cards don't really feel like the Launch condition is a bonus, it just feels like an extra good card that slots right into your curve. Overall, still an interesting keyword too.

    Half of the text in my feedback this week is going to be addressing your keywords! Haha. I love it though, so feel free to keep it coming.


    Objective feels to me like Sidequest with extra steps. I also feel like with how complicated explaining both the setup and the reward are, it's going to be really limited to keep finding interesting/new ways of setting up objectives in only four lines of text on the card. I'm actually impressed by how much you managed to fit on there as is lol.


    Transmute is really good, as we've already seen how popular the Tradeable keyword is, and this is very unique from that at the same time. I think in most cases, this is straight up better than Tradeable too, considering this trades other cards, not just itself. I think there is a lot of design space to explore here, good job.

    Gunslinger is also awesome, and as you've said, different than just Divine Shield. I was wondering how Hearthstone would be able to incorporate a "First-strike" like keyword that is different than just "Immune while attacking" and this is a very concise and efficient way of describing exactly that. I do think the keyword, if implemented into Hearthstone, would probably be something less explicitly gun-related (which is a shame, because the flavor on some of your cards is great), but other than that I really like the keyword, especially on The Phantom Ranger.


    That expansion also does sound really badass, not gonna lie lol.

    Stamina is pretty interesting for sure, but I think the design space here needs to be pretty specific. Specifically, I think these minions need to have ways of surviving or protecting themselves. As is, for example, The Prismatic Disc has exactly a 0% chance of ever surviving enough turns to get the bonus, as any deck you're up against is immediately going to assume you're a combo deck and use every resource available to kill it, probably. That being said, I do really like the other two Stamina (1) minions, as surviving for 1 turn is a lot more likely. It's just a little complicated, because it would be very boring for every Stamina card to be printed with Stamina (1). Only other thing I can think off the top of my head is I'm pretty sure that the Lunarwing Owl would be worded "Cast 'Moonfire' on each enemy minion." or "on all enemy minions," but yeah, I do like the keyword.


    Scrap is exactly what you said it is, a much better version of the Discard keyword. The way that a lot of the cards are worded, would the "third" option of the two be to decide not to scrap a card? (Looking at Law of Equivalent Exchange, it seems that the "Scrap a card to draw another" line implies that you could choose NOT to and only get the first effect). If so, that seems even better. I honestly wish that this was the way that Discard worked in Hearthstone, I'd give Discolock a try.


    Harmony is interesting for sure. That being said, I think both of the first two cards with it are really, really pushed, and the third one seems unplayable unless like Demon said, Mage's set mechanic is being able to get copies of cards in hand. In that case, it feels like the effect is extremely overpowered if mage is able to do that consistantly. Either way, this keyword definitely has potential, and as an eternal Value Mage player, I would LOVE to see some Harmony cards printed for mage.


    Fatal Flaw seems really cool, if used in moderation. I think it's one of those keywords that should become maybe a rarely used evergreen keyword, like Immune. I disagree with the thought that Millhouse is too powerful. Maybe he's a little under-costed for such a sticky minion, but I love that the effect is symmetrical for both players. Either way, Spell Damage +1 is not a game breaking effect to have for a few turns, unless possibly it's just that you have it so early in the game.

    Maybe Fatal Flaw should instead work so that they can be brought down to 1 health but not killed, or maybe so they should die as soon as their Fatal Flaw is met. Either way, probably needs some work, but I like the direction it's headed.


  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    First attempt. Intended to work like rebound from mtg, although able to function with minions it's printed with too. The replayed minions would trigger their battlecries again, too.


    Not too sold on it, might go with something else. We'll see!

    Edit 1: The duplicate effect is supposed to trigger whether or not the minion survives, which is why they're costed higher than they otherwise probably would be. I had a third minion that I kind of scrapped that would summon a couple of "Spell Damage +1" bodies, as a combo enabler on a future turn. But then, if you couldn't remove the original board, you'd end up pretty consistently with Spell Damage +6 and it was just too much.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Feedback, will update as more come in:

    I think the strength of this Galakrond, like Shaman before it (Corrupt Elementalist, Invocation of Frost) is gonna depend on how good the invoke cards are. The battlecry is pretty good, and the hero power is at a solid level but not incredible. Overall, I think it's really neat.

    Of the three of these, Snowblower is easily my favorite. We didn't get a magnetic minion with that effect during actual Boomsday, and this feels like it slots right in there perfectly. I love it.

    C'thun's Envoy also feels very flavorful, and like it fits right into Old Gods as well, so great work there too.

    The thing I would say about Deathrider Strik is that a couple of the rune archetypes that struggle to get as many corpses as Unholy normally gets would love to have this card available to them for easy corpse generation, as this thing really puts in work in that department. I would think that it should get 1 or 2 unholy runes on it just so Triple blood or Triple frost couldn't run it. Otherwise, I feel like it feels great in Unholy decks.

    Of the two of these, I like the Defiling Accusation the best. It makes sense for the class and fits the theme of the Nathria mini-set very well.

    That being said, I struggle to see where the Recycling Bin would be run. This feels like an eternal problem for GvG cards, but they don't really push to a particular archetype very well. I think it fits the theme and flavor of a GvG Death Knight card nicely, so this is probably more of a problem with power level than it is with the design.

    This card just feels too much like Deliverance for me personally. I don't know that that makes this design space unworkable, but that's what I see when I look at this card.

    I really like the DK quest, but that's just because I love Un'goro and elementals. I think Ahune should probably be an elemental himself, although if Ahune is an existing character in WOW lore, I don't know much about him so I could be wrong. That being said, I don't know how good this quest is for DK, as they're really not known for their elemental synergy. 

    Kel'thuzad, Master of Frost should have a wording change; he should read something along the lines of "Battlecry: Recast each Frost spell you've cast this game, targeting enemy minions if possible," to be consistent with other similar cards, as Frost spells like Cold Case don't target anything. That being said, Dual-class cards definitely weren't a part of Fractured in Alterac Valley, and neither was Kelthu'zad, so this feels weird to include it there. I think this would have been better as a Scholomance card, but even then Kelthu'zad already had a spot there, so this one is just difficult overall. It's a shame, because Kel'thuzad would be an awesome dual Mage/DK card as he fits both classes very well.

    It's very funny to me how every competition these days has to have a Razuvius submission. Either way, I think mechanically this would be a nightmare. If they did do something like this for a card, I think it would be more likely to read something along the lines of "Battlecry: This equips a random weapon from your hand." Or something along those lines. Repeatedly doing an effect like that seems kinda impossible to balance really, not to mention the U.I. implementation of choosing when you cast it "Is this being equipped to you or a minion? Okay, which minion?" Probably just too much of a headache to be worth it.

    Corpse Conjurer feels very thematically appropriate and also probably pretty good, I think it's solid. 

    Grim Harvest feels like a good option, but kind of weak. I think that's mainly because Overkill is weak though, and not because of any fault of the card's. Overall, not a bad option either.


  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Oh hey, look I get to use this art I didn't use a couple competitions ago again.


    Rastakhan's Rumble just had such strong class identity, even if the archetypes weren't always the strongest. I imagine the rest of the set (i.e., the spirit and the champion) having to deal with 1 health rush/charge minions to help the strategy alongside their Loa. either way, the hero power alone allows you to just start destroying minions and gaining a little health, which is nice. 

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    A bugged legendary weapon that shows up in duels? My last guess, but possibly The Runespear?

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Guess may be completely off the deep end with this one, but Spiteful Summoner kinda comes to mind with this?

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago


    My first three attempts, with which I am probably the happiest with the first Sapphiron. 


    I ended up making a Mage version of Sapphiron, because of his connection with Kel'thuzad.


    It was really hard to fit all of the text on Maexxna, so I ended up cutting the part that enabled your other beasts to have rush, too. 


    Either way, thanks for the feedback!

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91

    Dolphinslayer - Uh oh, another 1-Mana Suspicious Dredger. Sadistic Spellweaver has a neat riff of Naga synergy playing off the Undead condition, but alluding to the condition without including it means this doesn't actually have "Undead synergy". Simply being Undead is not enough. Now, Koma. Koma would be very cool...if the Mage's current Colossal didn't exist. As it stands, this is basically a more powerful, Naga version of Gaia, the Techtonic. Same class, it has the "when a friendly (X) attacks" condition, and the tokens have Rush; you even made it a 5/7. I don't mean to hate on it, but it's just too similar for my liking...I think you can make something more original with that artwork.

    Wow. I never played any Mech Mage, and I totally forgot about Gaia, the Techtonic. You're absolutely right about that, it just totally slipped my mind haha. I'll work on it and come back with something better lol.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Feedback round 1 (First time leaving feedback, sorry if I inevitably mess it up)

    Suspicious "San'layn" is probably my favorite of the 3, probably because of my soft-spot for thief rogue. This is just a straight up better Swashburglar, but with a more limited pool, which is good in some situations and bad in others. Overall, I think I would typically run it over Swashburglar BECAUSE of that limited pool.

    Carrion Swarmer seems horrible to go up against, but annoying taunt beetles are definitely in Druid's wheelhouse. It might be a tad under-costed for the value you get when infused, especially since Token Druid (A.K.A. the deck that wants this card the most anyways) will EASILY be able to finish that Infuse condition. Maybe a higher infuse cost could fix this as well.

    Master of Searemones (boooooo) Is a nice Naga with spell synergies and all, but I feel it also might be a little TOO good. 2 mana 3/2 that draws you a spell AND sets you up to draw another Naga that probably has spellcasting synergies with said spell is really, REALLY efficient. If it came down a tad bit later, even as a 3 mana 4/3 even, it might feel a little less overpowered.

    Really really flavorful, but also feels really good for 4 mana to basically get two casts of a slightly different Holy Wrath for less mana over three turns. Overrall, it's probably better than Holy Wrath in any deck that isn't specifically a Holy Wrath combo deck, just because you get more choice on what you're gonna hit with it. At the end of the day, I'm not sure if this would see play (Holy Wrath doesn't see much play outside combo decks), but I think it has a chance.

    I like the Infuse cost on a location, given we haven't had any way to interact with locations before they hit the field yet. I feel like the mana cost here really is hard to place. On the one hand, this is only as good as the undead who died in the first place, but on the other hand, Warlock has some really big undead with fun deathrattles. Probably in the 4, 5, or 6 range, if I had to guess.

    I was trying to come up with an "Infuse (1 Naga)" card for this competition and couldn't quite stick with it, I feel like you did a great job with Naga Spellguard.

    War Council is really interesting too, I think even better than Naga Spellguard (though that might just be because I prefer Shaman to Demon Hunter anyways), and the Infuse restriction/payoff feels fair, and also really impactful as well.

    Gorebringer feels like it does a LOT for what you sink into it. Like, maybe too much. This could easily reach absurd stat totals. I think as well with a minion that pumps itself up by stealing stats from other minions, the Infuse cost to pump even more feels redundant, and a little counter-synergistic. 

    Fresh Digs is really cool, but just from play experience, Dredge 3 times has pretty negative synergy, no matter how you look at it. Each time you dredge, you're gonna basically be looking at the same 3 cards each time for the 2nd and 3rd option, with a maximum of one card difference each time. Then, for the next three turns, you're gonna be stuck drawing 3 undead minions of questionable quality that you already have copies of in your hand. I don't think this would ever feel that good to play, to be honest.

    I think the wording on the card is a little confusing, as to what is supposed to happen when infused. Does it just get an additional Colossal each time it's infused? If so, then that feels really strong to come down at just 5 mana, especially for a neutral card. That being said, I like the idea. I especially like the Crimson Drake text, a Lifesteal minion that gets bonuses for your Hero being at full health is really cool, and I don't think too broken either.

    Scrapmetal Avenger is interesting, though I don't know if it would be that good. I think "Endlessly Infuse" has significantly diminishing returns when it can't go face. I think a higher, one-time infuse cost to do, say, 8 damage to a minion would make more sense in this case.

    Corpse Researcher is really nice, kind of like an alternate version of Amalgam of the Deep that tutors through your deck instead of Discovering. I think the wording would be a little better as "Draw a minion that shares a type with the minion that Infused this instead." just to clarify for minions with multiple types.

    I think you're still right about the Stat increase; even though it's in Paladin, keeping enchantments on it is a TON of value. Blessing of Queens/Kings alone is +4/+4, possibly twice if you targeted both times with the resurrection, even more so if the minion has Divine Shield. This power starts to feel like the Paladin Duels Hero Power, which is really good, and really oppressive. I think it can work, but 1 mana is way too cheap.

    I love the location you came up with, but I think you would need to run multiple different Dredge cards just to support it, in order to have access to the Sunken Treasure when you need it. That being said, I think I would try to build a deck around it for sure.

    Suspicious Angler is straight up a way cooler option of my Suspicious Driver, so props for that haha.

    Anub'arak, Crypt Lord feels really really powerful, possibly oppressive, but still remains to be seen. I would love to try to build a Taunt DK deck around this to find out.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago



    My first two attempts. I don't really like either of them too much, so I will probably keep brainstorming til I come up with something better.


    Like Demon said, this competition was harder than I expected; most of the keywords lead to my cards feeling too restricted by conditions. Gonna keep at it though!



    Edit: (I could only fit two of the tokens in this comment, but Koma would obviously come with 4 total) Linkblade correctly pointed out that my last version of Koma was extremely similar to Gaia, the Techtonic so I wanted to avoid that. Instead, I tried to go a DIFFERENT direction for mage, i.e. Hero Power mage. On turn ten, with no OTHER cards to buff your hero power by default, you would deal 5 damage with this card if your opponent had enough minions for you to attack into. On following turns, you start to deal 9, and then more and more from there if they don't have a way to deal with Koma. Thanks for the first round of feedback!

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    My first two attempts, of which I'm probably happiest with the second. The first one is a little more straightforward, but boring, and it kinda directly power-creeps Deep Freeze, which is already pretty good. Ever since they started printing "for each that can't" on these big top-enders like Lord Marrowgar and Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable, I've wanted to see an upgraded version of Dragoncaller Alanna that scales better.

    EDIT: Changed the first attempt's art, and stats.

    EDIT 2: 3rd attempt at Jaina, thanks everyone for the feedback. I like this version a lot more anyways.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago


    A take on one of my favorite chaos-themed removal spells from Magic the Gathering (chaos warp).

    It could be that this is too generically good with its good stats for cost; but against certain decks with low to no minions this does essentially nothing. 

    Furthermore, it's definitely not consistent, as you could flip a King Krush against a deck with heavy-hitting top-enders. But then again, it's disruptive in that you can deny them the battlecries of key pieces in their combos.

  • Dolphinslayer's Avatar
    170 28 Posts Joined 04/06/2022
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    Heart of Winter


    First time posting one of these for the discussion.

    I love Frost Rune decks that grind out value forever. I love casting 3+ copies of Frostwyrm's Fury in a game. 


     Sylalleas FrostwindEdit: Second Attempt.

    Feedback about not needing more card generation was very valid. This time, I figured I'd attempt to go down a direction with alleviating hand size issues. Generating huge boards isn't something that FFF death Knight is really known for, this may be outside its themes, but since it is still spell-related at heart hopefully its not crazy.

    Thanks for the original feed back as well!

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