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  • dragik5's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 05/05/2024
    Posted 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    To mention some of the 5(+) player games that I have found success running at my college gaming groups (because I agree, past 4 becomes a much more difficult task)

    Magic Maze:
    A cooperative game where you and the rest of your team of rag-tag teenage adventurers are trying to "acquire" your treasure from a magic mall. It requires a lot of team work because each player is the ony one who can take their actions in this race against the clock! 

    As someone mentioned earlier, the base game works with 5 players! This is a more tactical game, but the art is beautiful and it can lead to a lot of intricate decisions, if your family is willing to take the time to learn it this game is phenomenal!

    The Crew:
    Another cooperative game, The Crew (and the Crew: Mission Deep Sea) are both games with slight variants that focus on the joy of trick taking games, but for the sake of cooperation to complete your mission!

    A game that could easily be considered a modern classic already, Wingspan is a game for everyone, it's got tableau building for those of you who want to build that really complex synergistic board. It has plenty of fun colorful tokens and strong theming with flavorful goals and ways to compete and win the game. Oh, and did I mention BIRDS, every bird is unique and lets you learn about birds around the world!