Considering how many weapons Warrior has access to, it should be easy to get a lot of stats for 7 mana. Even so, not sure if it has a place in current Warrior decks.
It's a lot of stats for its cost, considering Shaman will still have access to 3 spell schools in Standard. Should see some play, at least one copy of it.
Quite easy to get to 0, so Druid and Mage should love it!
The Queen herself! Super strong, versatile, and great flavor! Can't wait to get a golden one. <3
A ton of cost reduction, and then you get to choose one to put on top. It seems like a sweet deal to me, might work for Control Warrior!
Nice defensive tool, and quite a cheap one too. Might see play in Control Warrior!
It seems like a nice draw tool, but it's hard to judge. Maybe it's best paired with the new 3/2 weapon.
Amazing card, specially since it's also a Pirate. Will definitely be a staple in Quest Warrior.
Considering how many weapons Warrior has access to, it should be easy to get a lot of stats for 7 mana. Even so, not sure if it has a place in current Warrior decks.
A bit of a meme card, but an interesting one at that. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it!
It looks like a strong card, and it has the potential to hit face too, but it seems a little out of place. Not sure it'll see much play outside Arena.
It's cheap, the Dredge effect is nice, and it's a nice way to activate the Fire school for cards that interact with multiple ones!
Not a bad card, although it would be amazing at 2 mana. Still, it can be played early and is rather disruptive to the opponent.
Still hoping that this whole curse archetype can be viable. Love the Affliction vibes!
It looks really out of place to me. Not sure this will actually see any play.
It's a lot of stats for its cost, considering Shaman will still have access to 3 spell schools in Standard. Should see some play, at least one copy of it.
Super strong and versatile, I can see this card shining, specially in Wild. Very interested to see what comes of it!
Insane potential on this card. Mech Paladin is looking almost as good as Mech Mage!
0 mana draw is already awesome, and the Dredge effect makes this card almost mandatory.
Looking forward to seeing what kind of OTK this will create!
This guy has the potential to become huge. Very interesting card, for sure!
It's a nice card draw, and the effect is interesting. Curious to see what comes of it!