Seems a little expensive, even with the discounts. Not sure if it'll see play, given how slow it might be.
Cool concept! I guess it should see play, being an Elemental AND a drawing tool.
Seems too slow and erm... random? Yeah, I guess that's the whole point, but even so...
The art and the flavor are amazing! Not sure if it'll actually be good, but it does seem fun!
Making Yogg proud with this card, I see.
Two cards for 2 Mana seems like a good deal, so I guess this'll see quite a fair amount of play.
A decent early game tool. Might help Hunter decks get an early start in claiming the board.
Not the best, but a decent card nonetheless. Might see play in a deck than can either discout it or trigger its Deathrattle multiple times.
Not that convinced about this being good. Maybe time will prove me wrong, though. Seems a little weak.
Seems like a slightly improved version of the old Adapt dino. Should see some play.
The return of the Huffer! SMOrc
Might not be the best card ever, but the concept is really cool!
The regular version isn't that great, but unless I'm mistaken the miniature would be a 1/1, meaning that it can attack and get popped. If so, that'd be pretty good!
Seems powerful, just need to wait and see which Beasts fit this criteria.
He's powerful AND adorable. Even without buffs, he can already get rid of most Taunt minions.
Awesome location, quite sticky and versatile. Spell Druid is looking pretty good!
Really good card, even without the duplication effect. Will most surely see play.
Not amazing, but a decent enough defensive tool. Not sure if it'll be good enough to warrant a deck spot, but a nice Discover option nonetheless.
Seems a little too slow to be amazing, but I see the potential there. Maybe it'll see play.
Even with only Spell Damage +1, it already pays for itself. Really good card, overall!
Seems a little expensive, even with the discounts. Not sure if it'll see play, given how slow it might be.
Cool concept! I guess it should see play, being an Elemental AND a drawing tool.
Seems too slow and erm... random? Yeah, I guess that's the whole point, but even so...
The art and the flavor are amazing! Not sure if it'll actually be good, but it does seem fun!
Making Yogg proud with this card, I see.
Two cards for 2 Mana seems like a good deal, so I guess this'll see quite a fair amount of play.
A decent early game tool. Might help Hunter decks get an early start in claiming the board.
Not the best, but a decent card nonetheless. Might see play in a deck than can either discout it or trigger its Deathrattle multiple times.
Not that convinced about this being good. Maybe time will prove me wrong, though. Seems a little weak.
Seems like a slightly improved version of the old Adapt dino. Should see some play.
The return of the Huffer! SMOrc
Might not be the best card ever, but the concept is really cool!
The regular version isn't that great, but unless I'm mistaken the miniature would be a 1/1, meaning that it can attack and get popped. If so, that'd be pretty good!
Seems powerful, just need to wait and see which Beasts fit this criteria.
He's powerful AND adorable. Even without buffs, he can already get rid of most Taunt minions.
Awesome location, quite sticky and versatile. Spell Druid is looking pretty good!
Really good card, even without the duplication effect. Will most surely see play.
Not amazing, but a decent enough defensive tool. Not sure if it'll be good enough to warrant a deck spot, but a nice Discover option nonetheless.
Seems a little too slow to be amazing, but I see the potential there. Maybe it'll see play.
Even with only Spell Damage +1, it already pays for itself. Really good card, overall!