New Hunter Minion - Painted Canvasaur ( External Link )

A new Rare Hunter Minion, Painted Canvasaur, has been revealed!
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This is the lovechild of Crackling Razormaw and Gentle Megasaur. Those were both strong cards that were played a lot, so this should be pretty nice too!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Kinda funny how "bonus effect" slowly creept up to become a stable keyword.
Ok, as soon as I say the puppies might not be more than a 3/5 I get to see this. Will have to fix that comment. Love playing ye old Crackling Razormaw in the ungoro days and this seems like that but maybe not that strong? Adaptations were great because you got to choose them (most of the times if not all?)
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This card is very good, and a nice homage to Crackling Razormaw. I'm imagining playing this on a board of 4/1 Worms, or on curve after a turn 1 Sneaky Snakes. Should be powerful for Beast Face Hunter.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Very great card.
Hunters are already good at swarming the board. Play this on any board and you've got a force to be reckoned with.
I don't think random Bonus effects are worth Putting this into your deck.
Finally, a massive buff on a body, will see play in Hounds hunter
Honestly a solid card, decent stats, the fact that it's a Battlecry is great and being 2 mana means you can build a decent board before plopping this down
Hounds hunter will be broken
Super strong card, any board that sticks will be a menace now. I wouldn't be surprised to see this go to 3 or even 4 at some point.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Easy activation on top of cheap body?
How would this not see play in most any beast/ mech / hound hunter?
Seems like a slightly improved version of the old Adapt dino. Should see some play.
Beast Hunter is looking pretty nice. R.C. Rampage comes to mind, but maybe there will be better ways to get several beasts on the board for this.
I love love love the visual reference to Crackling Razormaw, that is among the first hunter cards I've collected and played around with when I started playing.
Unfortunately, this isn't as great of a card on curve, and most of the Extra effects keywords aren't particularly effective on 1/1s
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?