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dsodemian's Comments

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    The problem with this mechanic is not that the cards that use it are too strong (although they are), it won't be fixed by simply nerfing BMM, P.Goods and the Yordle. The problem with this mechanic lies in the fact that is too chaotic for a game like LoR, it creates scenarios that are unpredictable and uncounterable, and it changes the outcome of games out of pure luck.

    For example, If I run a single Ruination in my deck and my enemy is not playing SI, then you can't expect me to play against Ruination (alongside with all the other cards in my deck), and I shouldn't do it. It's a frustrating, unfun and unfair mechanic.

    Making it draw from the bottom instead of the top of the deck is just part of the solution, but that was not really the core issue here, that was just a buff to Freijlord, not really a nerf to the mechanic itself.

    As I see it there are 2 possible ways of actually making this mechanic fair: You either make the nab'd cards fleeting or you reveal them to the enemy. I personally rather have the later. I think it would still be played since the cards have extreme value right now. BMM is a 1 mana 2/1 that draws a card. PG is a 2 mana draw 2 cards that can be turned into a 0 mana draw 2 cards if you have BMM on the board, which is most of the times. Having those cards being revealed to the enemy is more than fair. 

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Enemy plays a 6 mana 14/14 with Overwhelm. If you try to block it you die because of Overwhelm. If you try to remove it with say, Will of Ionia, enemy atrocities and you die. 

    The effective answers to this combo are quiet rare (frostbite?).. Why is my enemy able to spawn a 6 mana 14/14 with overwhelm again?

    Either They Who Endure should NOT have Overwhelm (cause a 6 mana XX/XX it's good enough on its own, it doesn't need overwhelm on top of that) , or the mana costs should be tweaked so that you cannot play it along side Atrocity on the same turn. I rather have the first one.

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    The problem, IMO, is the Hearthstonish-like RNG factor that comes along with this mechanic. When you steal something from the opposing deck, you either get worthless trash -because it's a highly synergistic card- or you get the exact answer you needed and that your region doesn't provide. Without mentioning that you can remove from your opponent deck a card that it's his win condition. Yes, I think this mechanic sucks and should get rid of, or at least made so that the cards are copied and not stolen, that would fix PART of the issue.

    BMM and Stolen goods need a nerf too. BMM should be a 2/1 and Stolen Goods should cost 3 mana.

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Burst are usually buffs. You can't react to the buff itself, but you can play cards acordingly afterwards.

    For example, if your 2/3 is about to trade with my 3/2 and I play an elixir of iron, you can't prevent it from turning into a 3/4, but you can play something like elixir of might, so my unit dies too or glimpse beyond or something to deal 2 damage. Counterplay still exists.

    I think burst is fine as long as it's restricted to buff/debuff cards. A direct damage burst would be completely broken.

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    There are still other BS cards that need adressing, mainly:

    - Unyielding spirit -> it shouldn't be able to target champions
    - Atrocity -> it shouldn't be able to target nexus, you might reduce cost to compensate

    I think it's bad design in any card game, when you can make a deck where the whole winning condition depends on 1 card, and 1 card alone and a strategy which is virtually uncounterable. No card should be THAT powerful. 

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39
    Unyielding Spirit, though, is definitely a very poorly designed card. As you pointed out, there's basically no silence in the game, and none of it can target champions. There are still other answers to it, but they're also few and far between. The Obliterate keyword gets around it (it's functionally like MTGs Exile, so the immunity to death is irrelevant), but there's only card that can do that to an enemy champion - Devourer of the Depths. Recall also works, but that means you have to be running Ionia.
    Honestly, I think there's a clear trend of thing kind of thing in LoR - powerful cards that can stomp over most regions. The result is that you either have to be playing more aggressively than the enemy (so they don't get a chance to play their nonsense) or you have to be playing exactly the right region for the match-up. Riot has a long way to go to getting the balance right in this game.

    Both Devourer of the Depths and [Hearthstone Card (Will of Ionia) Not Found] can be countered by [Hearthstone Card (Deny) Not Found] or anything that increases Fiora's health like Twin Disciplines or Stand Alone. So yeah, only 2 cards to stop the combo and they can still be easily countered by other cards the Fiora deck runs. Again, how is this fair? 

    I don't think this phylosophy of "whoever is lucky enough to get the cards to pull off his BS first wins" is healthy for the game. 

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    If that wasn't enough, the only silence this game has cannot target champions. Like, come on. Why don't you make Unyielding Spirit unable to target champions? That would be a start..

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Both cards are BS separately and shouldn't exist in the game, but combined they make the cheapest, most boring, skilless, frustrating, unfun, unfair, and overwall bulls--t combo in all card game history.

    It is a 2 card combo that has 0 counters and can single handely win you game, you don't need to play ANY other card, just those 2 and you win the game.  Seriously, how are you supposed to deal with it? How is that fair?

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Ok thank you for the info. I don't think it is  worth it to purchase the expedition with shards anymore. I will make an analysis on this and post it.

  • dsodemian's Avatar
    80 11 Posts Joined 05/04/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Hi guys, I'm pretty new to the game, as I started playing on Saturday. I was searching for information about the game and what are the best ways to get cards and I found this article which is pretty awesome:


    However, when I played my first expedition (I ended up getting 7 wins), I noticed that no champion was given. Insted of a champion capsule and 3500 shards as it says in that article I believe I got an epic capsule and 2000 shards. 

    I just wanted to confirm, Is this correct? Is this the actual reward for getting 7 wins in expedition? Or did I do something wrong? I didn't play my second trial, after getting 7 wins on the first, I quited the expedition.

    I would appreciate an answer to my questions. Thank you.

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