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Farenough's Forum Posts

  • Farenough's Avatar
    120 39 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Even though Northshire Cleric is way stronger thanEternium Rover, I think the latter shouldn't exist but Cleric is totally fine. When concidering the class cards you shouldn't compare them like neutrals with each other. Cleric in priest is a definite core card that justifies playing a class that heals. That should of course be a strong card and should be like no other card in any other class. Other classes has same kind of very strong effects but combined with some weaknesses they don't break the game. Make every single card in HS neutral and then most class cards will be broken with unlimitted synergies.

    That's why you don't compare Cleric with Mana Wyrm or Crystallizer

    Eternium Rover on the other hand, should not exist in a class that is mostly control oriented (at least at the moment). Because you'd expect a control deck to not have a very strong early game. Rover is stronger than almost every 1 drop in the game and is a huge advantage against aggro decks when played on turn 1. It challanges opponents early drops, on avarage gains 4 armor and it's a mech. As a control deck you usually don't wanna play a 1 drop but this one is so strong that it's an auto include. Imagine control warrior deck running Crystallizer... Makes no sense right? That's why the card shouldn't exist or should be weaker.

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