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Joined 04/24/2020 Achieve Points 170 Posts 20

Feuerrabe's Comments

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Insane Boardclear with a body  -> This must be included in every Control WL.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    While this card has no rush, remember that Hunter has access not only to [Hearthstone Card (Broomstick) Not Found], but also [Hearthstone Card (Trueaim Bow) Not Found] and Devouring Swarm. Will this suffice? I do not think so, but less because of this card not having rush but the trickiness of sticking a wide board of beasts that curves well into this card. Sin'dorei Scentfinder and Rodent Nest require effort to pull off as well and that just asks for too much.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Similar to Scalerider, which saw play. A bit less flexible but it also has no condition. Yes, this is a solid card.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Overstatted card, especially if you consider the tutor. This is bonkers in any deck that runs pirates.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Elemental Shaman has it all. Aggression, removal, manacheat and healing. The deck can take whichever direction it wants and there is noone to stop it. Besides, this card is pretty much required in Quest Shaman to both survive until the quest completion and enhance the quest.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    This is basically giving rush to all of your minions or windfury, if they can already attack and "draws" cards, while being some sort of hardremoval. This card will shine in Deathrattle Hunter, Rat Hunter, Boar Hunter and as a random discover in other decks. 0 Mana Spells are also great fodder for the quest, Kolkar and Lock and Load.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Worse Scorpid. You only discover "bad" cards. I also do not see this in normal priest decks due to screwing up Raise Dead. Shadow Priest might want it though, to get access to certain holy spells.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I narrowed my selection down to these cards. Some are also changed based on feedback.

    I also want you to give feedback on which version of Stalwart Axe you like better. I created the 2nd one from anchorm4n's feedback. Personally I lean towards the first one since playing taunt minions is not very difficult and would basically give this weapon infinite durability. Yes, you could punch for a lot of damage with the other version but it has only 2 durability and requires setup.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Feedbacktime for all the cards I have seen, when I started.


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    Pocket seems a bit too complicated for a single legendary. It also might become a bit too op if you always know, what you will discover.


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    I like the combos that are enabled by Bladefist Brawler. Bladestorm on this, assuming it is the minion with the lowest health gives you a whopping 10 attack for 7 Mana. Also I like the flavor.


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    Protective Shade seems cool and even though Rezz Priests could get this like a bazillion times I do not think it would be played there since in its first few appearances it is not that strong and they want to rezz other minions, so I suppose it is balanced?


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    Echo seems like a perfect fit for the Un'Goro-Quest but there is one thing that I am not so sure of. The text says, that you get cards from your opponents class but is not the biggest part of Thief-Rogue about stealing cards from every class? Directly receiving ressources from your opponents class seems more like a thing, Priests would do (I know that stealing from the deck and getting totally random outcomes are two different things, but still).


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    The other two cards pale in comparison to Morgle. I think the minecart is funny but it is not spectacular. Morgle looks like he could find a home outside of Murloc-Shaman, namely Spell-Shaman. From the last weeks competition I know that art is an issue for legendaries, but you still have some days to search.


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    The Boarmaster is imho the best. I have the same fear of infinite-value as others here. I think the wording of Boarmaster should not say Beast but Boar since Boars are the 1/1s with Charge.


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    Out of all your cards I like Tunnel Guide the best but it is a bit in a rivalry with mine. However, I might drop it. The issues I have with your other cards, are that they are just not special. That is not a bad thing if it is a common or rare, like Force of the Wild, but a legendary should have a memorable effect. Sylendra Gladesong will summon a treant with measly 1/1 or 2/2 stats if used in the earlygame and later on she might actually become harmful to both Quest-Druids, as she immediately ends your turn.


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    The art for Geode Elemental does already exist in the game. The card is named Mana Bind. As for the effect I think that Quest Druid does already have plenty of access to healing so it feels a bit redundant. I like Old Mentor though. The flavor is really cool.


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    Seems like a cool card. What about the watermark though?


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    Yeah, the ape is weird, but since Paladin is the class without orientation it would not fit anywhere else.


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    In a world, where Puzzlebox and such shenanigans would not exist, Rule of Threes would be balanced. Right now I would lean towards the 3rd version, this one is less dangerous and not a Free-Kaelthas-T6-Effect. You would not play Rule of Threes because of its individual strength, but rather use its combo-potential.


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    Candlechaser could create an infinite-value-cycle. You just need to have one card from another class on your hand it just keeps cloning and copying itself.


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    Shadow Pilfer would end up being played in neither of the quest decks, I think. It is just weaker than both the originals. I mean, you could remove the combo, but then the original Pilfer would be worse. Hmm :/


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    The murloc seems to be the coolest but it also appears like a powercreep to Soul of the Forest. I would say that in their combination and synergies, the average murloc tends to be stronger than a 2/2.


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    If I understand Vast Domain correctly, it gets you 2 Armor, summons a 4/3 and deals 8 damage to a random enemy? That seems strong for only 4 mana but to manage this you would have to get through 2(!) quests.


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    Innervate is back! The Amber Rager looks like a finally playable Rager. Not op but ok. Tricks of the Trade is way more interesting though. It is like Evocation, only for Rogues. I only feel like it would be too strong with all the lackeys, rogues can generate. You would be able to get even more ressources from your lackeys. Another thing I worry about, is Malygos-Rogue. The Murloc Sandrunner has an effect, we have already seen several times in Hearthstone, so it is not very creative.


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    Mrgrlstrom Caller looks good, even a bit op. It could be that an aoe and a board-buff at the same time is too much. Maybe give it Overload (1)? Blessed Templar is a cool value generator.


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    I also happen to like the 2nd version of Champion of A'Dal more. It is less similar to Link's idea and I think that the 1st one would both harm him and you if you were to submit it. It does look a bit weak though. I feel like it should only cost 2 mana.


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    Your card is fine and the grammar is perfectly right.


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    I cant help but feel that Frontline Vanguard is too strong if compared to Ruststeed Raider. It has  similar amount of health and it gets to keep its attack. It should either cost more or have weaker stats.


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    Better Part of Valor seems like a worse Shadowstep in my opinion and it is in conflict with demonxz95's card. It would be much better in my eyes, if it only costs 1. Hakuna Matata is too memey for my taste. I like Fiery Warbringer the most but there would be an issue with this and Bladestorm into an additional 6 durability for your weapon.


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    You were the same maniac as me! Hmm, lets see. I ranked the cards from favourite to least favourite.

    1. New Plan (Great Flavor, nothing to add!)

    2. Man of Many Faces (It is weak, but has infinite value that is not so scary and it gets its job done. Can this also revert to being a Rogue-card later?)

    3. Chosen by the Scourge (Does the "it dies. Horribly" vanish, when the reborn activates? If so, this card is in my Top 3, else it would get placed much lower.

    4. Murloc General (Could be scary with Warleader)

    5. Twin Ancients (A note though, ancients are tree-giants, so if you want to keep the artwork, change the name)

    6. Honorable Samurai

    7. Possessed Boar

    8. Clumsy Alchemist

    9. Essence of Yogg-Saron (The add spells to your hand-part feels forced. Also what if it goes off into a Puzzlebox on T3?


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    You should come up with something more interesting.


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    This is a cool card.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I made a card for each class that has 2 quests. I can fix potential grammar issues by myself, but I want to hear your feedback on balance and which card of these would be the most cool one to submit.



    Fel Drainer serves as a carddraw-engine for Discard-Warlock and of course the carddraw makes it compatible with the other quest. For example, when you play a Succubus Felstalker and you discard any other card than Fel Drainer, you get to draw another. If you discard Fel Drainer, he is gone and you do not get to draw anything.

    Awakened Anubisath Colossus is a big dumb guy legendary. I feel like I should explain one of his options. When you choose the additional 5 mana, you have 15 mana next turn.

    I am a bit concerned about the strength of Sandwater Chargeleader but on the other hand Murloc-Shaman needs some strong cards.

    Mummified Crusader serves as a value-machine for buffbased Paladins and of course it also has reborn.

    Bribe is a 3 in 1-deal. Simple yet fitting. By the power of money you convince the enemy and a few of their friends to follow you.

    Dalaran Battlemage wants to encourage Mages to go towards a more minion-centric deck and rewards them with random spells. He works for both quests.

    Cleric of the Arena would slot naturally into a minion-based Priest since his heal does not go face. If he hits a high-health minion with the DR, the quest is on a good way to completion. And note that sneaky Deathrattle.

    Stalwart Axe provides a good tool for taunt warrior. If you play it on T2 and you follow up on T3 with a taunt, it becomes a Fiery Waraxe and so on.

    A worse Masters Call, but in the right deck it could accomplish things. You get to draw a lot of cheap minions and both hunter quests like that.


    I will give some feedback later.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I am still in search for a potentially better artwork for my Leeroy (@Wailor, the Leeroy in the league of explorers trailer does not convince me, but thanks for the suggestion) but I can explain one the existence of his party as the token seems to be one of the gripes people have with this card besides the art. In WoW where the meme of Leeroy started, the party of Leeroy was trying to come up with an intricate strategy and Leeroy just charged in, resulting in a wipe of the group. His guild members will always arrive, when he has already been beaten to death by something. The token is neutral, because a proper dungeon party is made up of several classes.

    I am fine with the mechanics of this card and I think I will submit the 2nd iteration I made of him but I will seriously try to find better art.


    Another round of Feedback:

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    @HyperOrange: Kel'thuzad is a powerful addition to Freeze Mage though annoying. At worst he is a 3rd Frost Nova in your Deck and at his best he is a board wipe with a body. I sense some OTK/Combo-Potential in Leeroy, Chickenhunter but it is fine as this would require serious setup. I think that bribe has been poorly received due to the possibilities it gives to your opponents. They can choose to spend 3 Mana now to get 3 extra mana next turn and this could be quite harmful. T5 8-Drop sounds very funny, doesn't it?

    @Thez: The flavor on Lord Rivendare is great. The only thing that comes to my mind is that he is using Rush which did not yet exist in KoFT.  I like the warrior Rivendare more since it still has ties to the aura.

    @Wailor: Archmage Manastorm is another great card, that finally awards him his rightful spot. I see one problem though, he might be a bit similar to Archmage Vargoth. Harrison is a great card, the flavor is everywhere and I did love Toki, when she was in Standard, even though she was not very strong. The use of Indiana Jones art is excellent too ;). Xavius is another nice card and I think, upping the statline was the right decision, since a board full of 1health-minions would be very easy to clear.

    @meisterz39: I do not like Maiev, she might be too weak on the turn you play her but too strong against decks that rely heavily on taunt. Permanent effects are a dangerous thing in Hearthstone. Even though Paladin has Dragon and Murloc-synergies I am not really feeling the menagerie. As far as I know there is no special beast support in Paladin. You could go with it but I like the flavor only by 2/3rd. Sally Whitemane is basically a Khel'thuzad that also works in enemy turns and has an aura which again makes it very dangerous. If you manage to stick a taunt minion all dmg-sources except for Spells and Kayn are screwed. Right now she is way too strong. Out of all your cards I like Patches the most. He is simple but great.

    @MenacingBagel: I like this iteration of Brightwing. Technically HotS is not HS but I do not mind. Healing is unheard of in mage but the connection to spell dmg makes it great in my eyes. You have a typo on Pixie Dust. Put the start of the sentence in capital letters.

    @TheHoax91: Eydis does look a lot better now. As for your alternatives: I would hate to play against Khel'Thuzad as a minion based deck. Out of the two Greymane is the better one. I see cool combos with high health minions and frothing berserker on the board.

    @DestroyeR: Milhouse is a ridiculous overdraw card. As the opposing player I would let him live and mill your entire deck. Sneakmaster Hogger seems to me like a "wide Edwin". Less vulnerable to single-target removal, more vulnerable to AoE. I like how you kept the Gnolls from his original version but he might feel unfair, since you could get more stats out of him with less cards than with Edwin. Hakkar is a great WL-Card. I simply adore the connection to WoW Lore, sacrificing your own minions to summon him.

    @KANSAS: I feel like Mukla is now a bit too weak. Maybe make him give out 2 Bananas to each beast instead of just one?

    @Swizard: Cool and innovative concept for a board wipe. Maybe consider raising its cost by 1 and giving the legendary minions on each players hand instead of shuffling them into the decks else I feel like this is a psychic scream/vanish with body that can completetly fuck up your opponent. I am not so sure about the balancing but that would be my advise

    @Xarkkal: I feel like you should have gone halfway and instead of making the secrets cost 0 mana, make them cost 1.

    @Shaveyou: The AoE-Sally seems dangerous in combination with Buffs, especially the +1/+1 Libram. Theoretically you could basically get one consecration after another.

    @DescentOfDragonsOp: Your Alexstrasza is still neutral and it is in the rules of the competition that the legendaries have to belong to a class.




  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Ok, it seems that i overestimated the power of having a guaranteed play on T4 if you were to play Leeroy on T3.

    What do you think about this new iteration of Leeroy? Now it is leaning towards Dragon Paladin.


    Also, Feedback: @SDhn2a: Frantic Moroes even seems a bit underpowered, since the Stewards do not get to benefit from Windfury that much. As for C'thun I think that the flavor is a bit off. I understand that the old god is scheming to break out of his prison but Dr Boom's Scheme would be a strange outcome. I have to agree with grumpymonk. Yshaarj, Redeemed seems to be a very good card. It is similar to previous overstatted cards with a downside, the flavor is cool, it has strong ties to its previous iteration and I see what you did there by giving this to Paladin ;).

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Leeroy is a Paladin and he has found his roots once again. As the wise tactician he is, he is always one step ahead of his party. I would love to hear, what you think about this!



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    @Linkblade: Arthas fits Pure Paladin really well since he has this sort of fanaticism to him. 100% go with this.

    @Demonxz95: Your new version of Nefarian does not have the same potential RNG-Luck as the previous one, thus making it the healthier card of both. Your Al'ar does seem much better than the original version.

    @DescentOfDragonsOp: As Gul'dan I would not be fine with taking 4 damage from my heropower and double damage from anywhere. He suffers enough.

    @Anchorm4n: Already said by many, you should reword your card, else Sylvanas will trigger her own Deathrattle which triggers it again blablablah… That aside it would be a cool finisher/gameswinger for DR Hunter.

    @CursedParrot: It mirrors the original Malchezaar and I like the play with words you did on the portal demons.

    @MenacingBagel: Sheeps in Hearthstone normally have a 1/1 statline, if you are worried about making Brightwing to op if the enemy minions turn to normal sheeps, you could raise the manacost by 1 or so, to avoid a combo with arcane nova. But again, you would invest 10 Mana to clear the enemies board and there have already been such cards, so I suppose it is fine.

    @Inconspicuosaurus: Does not feel like a legendary at all, more like a random epic tech card.

    @shaveyou: Out of the two I like Sally more but I guess it also has to do with my preference for low RNG. I like that Sally is a Mini-Loatheb for everything that does something else the turn it is played.

    @Pokeniner: Pyroblast for 0 Mana if there are 10 minions on the board would be the strongest outcome but you can play around it. I like that. I do not mind the KoFT-Watermark but maybe try using a custom one to avoid the potential gripes other people might have, when they see him an an expansion that launched way before he found his way into Hearthstone.

    @Conduit: The 2 mana version has the better stats but I like the gameplay on the 4 mana version more. As Linkblade has pointed out, you should propably give the 4 mana Milhouse 4/4 stats.

    @TheHoax91: So Eydis does not only provide you a whopping 15 extra HP on top of her DK armor, she also gives access to a scary hero power that is basically a better resurrect spell. This seems too strong to me but it could have to do with my hatred against rezz priest.

    @MrRhapsody: I like Medivh the most and I do not see a problem in giving mages access to some demons because we have AoO and its imprisoned demons. Second to him comes Loatheb.

    @KANSAS: It is a N'zoth with no requirements but beasts tend to be weaker than DR minions so I think that the balance is right. Finally Mukla is playable.

    @Grumpymonk: I like Kael'thas more than Maiev but it is worth noting that Kael'thas already appeared once in this competition. I worry about Maiev being comboed with Akama Prime since this would force you to use two clears, one to get rid of Maiev and one to finally destroy Akama.

    @Xarkkal: Blackhand reads as discard all legendaries from your opponents hand which might be very unfun to play against.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I took the critique from Xarkkal and anchorm4n into consideration and created this version of Gogmadar.

    I definitely want to keep thepart with can't be discarded since I kinda want a lategame oriented win condition for discard WL. Sure, it is a powerful effect, but so are many other cards for 10 mana. I would definitely submit this, but I will wait one or two days before doing so to receive more feedback.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I should definitely pay more attention to what I am reading. I could not find a way to make Salvation work for this contest but here is the reworked version of Gogmadar.

    Let your opponent suffer as much as you did. I think that destroying cards in your opponents deck is less annoying than forcing them to discard something from their hand. He comes quite late which gives the opponent time to finish you or get his important pieces together and you need to charge him with your discard-effects to make him effectful.




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    I think it is a cool addition to Bomb Warrior, giving him access to three more bombs as well as messing up your opponents plans.


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    I do like the flavor and the artwork. Not sure about the balance though. I guess its ok.


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    Unholy Justice: I feel like this could be a better version of Void Contract though this could certainly backfire if your opponent has better draw. I liked Void Contract and I like this card as well. And for the Odd One Out: I think this cards application is too narrow. It is a suboptimal AoE with a marginal upside. Maybe make it destroy the lone survivor too?


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    Even the Odds is scary and I do not think that it is creative enough to help you in this competition. You said it by yourself, it is basically Embiggen but for Odd-Paladin.


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    I do not like the effect of Hemet 2000. It is crippling for Aggro and Control goes "Yaay, now all my useless cards are out of the way"


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    If Impvasion! costs too much it is useless but it is VERY scary if you manage to let it tick up through the whole game. It basically gives you an entirely new win-condition. Maybe make it cost one more.


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    Steal effects are dangerous. I imagine the salt which might perhaps be the reason people will not vote for this.


    I hope I did not forget anyone, it is my first time giving feedback and it is a bit exhausting to look at the people who posted here and check if they already submitted or not.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    i did not despair after my major fuck-up last week. So far I have had these ideas.


    Salvation is helping to etablish the Paladin as the merciful guy who can either give his enemies a second chance to turn to the good or save his own people. It is simple but beautiful.

    Gogmadar is the saving grace for discard decks. You discarded your important win condition? No problem, he gets it back for you. He can unleash all the cardy that never got a chance to be played... if the game is going for the longer run. Currently discard is only viable as aggro since you do not really want to lose important cards as a control player but Gogmadar enables this kind of a longer term discard-playstyle.

    I will give some Feedback to the other people in this thread later.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Oh, this sucks but I guess even if I did not make an sucessful entry I have still learned quite something, so it has not been in vain.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Honestly did not know that this art already existed in the game? I think it is used in some adventure? Anyway, here is the finalized version of Shady Deal and I do think that this artwork is "undangerous". Finding art is easily the most time-consuming part of creating a card.


  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thank you for your corrections. English is not my first language and I appreciate the help.

    Here are the grammatically revised versions of Shady Deal and Dark Effigy:

    I am also leaning more towards Shady Deal. I think the risk-reward part of it makes it interesting since it could give your opponent the opportunity to set up a crazy combo but you get your combo pieces as well.

  • Feuerrabe's Avatar
    170 20 Posts Joined 04/24/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Hi, this is my first attempt at creating custom cards, so do not be too harsh with your veteran feedback.


    With Shady Deal you basically give your opponent a discount but it comes with a price. I think, that this fits rogue very well.

    Dark Effigy is a mirror on Effigy. It is the same effect but on enemy minions.

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