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Fr0stByt3NL's Comments

  • Fr0stByt3NL's Avatar
    85 1 Posts Joined 08/05/2020
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Jesus christ on a bicycle, you truly went off didn't you?

    It's a 'Theorycraft' deck for a reason (and in my theorycraft cases, in the pejorative sense of that word). It's not like I have a history of being HS's #1 theorycrafter to begin with so I'm not sure why you have such high expectations of random decks like these. Look at the submission date of this deck. It was theorycrafted before I was able to play the expansion, so of course I couldn't try out this deck before submitting. 

    I theorycraft these decks for myself, and upload them here so I can easily copy-paste them to the game. If others see these decks and enjoy my wacky ideas, then great! I hope they'll have fun too! If not, then they can continue looking for other decks more to their liking. 

    And besides, it's not like every deck submitted on this website has to be a meta-breaker for all to play. Sometimes, just sometimes, people like me want to have fun and try something wacky and far-reaching. I theorycraft decks to try out new cards (like Shadowed Spirit & Runthak) and/or certain archetypes (a sort of Aggro value Priest), not to have a 99.9% winrate against every meta deck in this game. And yeah, the synergies I theorized in this deck proved just that: A fun theory. That's why it's called a theorycraft after all. Sometimes this deck did wonders (like Alura casting a Rally! when my low-cost minions were dead, filling my board with Hero damaging minions, or a Vectus obtaining both my Shadowed Spirit's deathrattles, dealing even more damage to my opponent's Hero), but a majority of the time not so much because having the 'golden curve' this deck requires is of course not a given. When that happens, this deck is easily overrun or outvalued. But hey, I had my fun with this deck! That is what matters to me.

    When I see comments like this I really wonder: Have some people even tried to comprehend that other folks have different points of view? The definition one person has of 'fun' and 'theorycraft', hell even the very reason why people do something or play a certain game, will vary from the person next to them. And that's perfectly fine. Just don't be an arse/superior about it.

    So I ask you to calm your tits and let others have their version of fun with their steaming hot **** of a deck. Let me enjoy/suffer the consequences of my wacky theorycrafts in peace, while you do your thing. That way the both of us will be happy at the end of the day

    In reply to Semi-aggro Priest
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