huntsman was never nerfed, why would they give a refund on him? i did the wildseeds achievement by crafting the legendarie and the epics in that window of time, but Altimor was never refunded. or what happened here. :C
it has such a great effect with good stats and its a demon, the good of this is that it can be really good and really bad depending on the moment, for example: will you take 8 damage to kill a giant or will you trade something first to not take all the pain. but will surely see play on all my warlock decks.
huntsman was never nerfed, why would they give a refund on him? i did the wildseeds achievement by crafting the legendarie and the epics in that window of time, but Altimor was never refunded. or what happened here. :C
spellburst only works the first time a spell is played, this can work millions of times.
what about the people in America, Like Chile For Example. :C
congrats to the winners :D i am now a servant of illidan, i am prepared i guess <3
i guess that works super well with any amount of hp and armor of those bosses, its like cheating :c damn i want my mecha'thun.
Galakronds are so broken, all of them.
i want it for real too :C
my favorite moment has to be when i opened a golden Reno the relicologist, he looks so happy with his weapon
it has such a great effect with good stats and its a demon, the good of this is that it can be really good and really bad depending on the moment, for example: will you take 8 damage to kill a giant or will you trade something first to not take all the pain. but will surely see play on all my warlock decks.