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Joined 03/17/2022 Achieve Points 15 Posts 1

Grimclawz's Comments

  • Grimclawz's Avatar
    15 1 Posts Joined 03/17/2022
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This just goes beyond ridiculous. This is a multi-billion dollar company they had time to flush all of this out ahead of time. They're only giving us 3 weeks before the expansion comes out as it is, the mini set just came out 2 weeks ago. They had time to add seven mercenaries, yet not time to fix the achievement bug that keeps showing that you have finished achievements but nothing lights up blue that you can click off. They haven't fixed the bug where it keeps showing you that you have new cards every time you open your collection even though you've already looked at them all, and still after 8 years they don't have a randomization button for hero / battlegrounds portraits, coins, battlegrounds boards, bartenders, and astral finishers. Would it really be that hard to put a randomization option in for each cosmetic item? We're paying good money for them we should be able to utilize them without having to go in and change it each time. To put this major patch out and not even fix the quality of life changes or add the randomization button everyone has been begging for for years and then to not completely flush out their 22.6 mobile edition and then realize it at the last minute and have to resubmit it screwing over mobile players that may not be able to even play or use the new card until past the weekend when they have to go back to work it's just getting ridiculous. I really love the theme of this expansion Colossus looks awesome dredge looks pretty cool it looks like it's going to be a really good time but how the hell would I know I can't even use the new card that they gave out. I mean come on from multi-million excuse me billion dollar company they can't flush out there stuff months ahead of time to make sure it's ready to go on day one give us more times between many sets and expansions add in quality of life stuff like randomization for all cosmetics, instead of adding in seven mercenaries without fixing the excess coin issue and not fixing any of the bugs that are annoying the shit out of everybody with showing that you have new cards when you don't and not letting you get achievements that you've done. I just spent $140 on both bundles, Plus when the patch goes lives it'll be another $40 on the dragon mercenaries bundle plus 1800 gold on mercenaries packs to get the rest of the mercenaries Plus through the drekthar or Vandar I think it is questline to get him and then I'll have all The mercenaries I am so disappointed in this company. It seems like it's run by a bunch of teenagers with no lead like actually holding people accountable and being a boss. I imagine a bunch of hippie tight people smoking weed sitting on bean bags and the Hearthstone mercenaries team in uptight suits figuring out how they can screw over their player base even more by adding in way too many mercenaries at once and no duplication and no excess. But they're not even be able to add in a randomization or fix the bugs that have been in there for months that's just unexcusable. I think I might just go back to the bat on that store ask the return my items get my $140 back and find a different game.


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