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Gwyneth's Comments

  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I'd imagine without Leroy, players might hang onto damage spells, switch a few minions here and there,  tech in some taunt removal so they can push more face damage? 

    Its a good question but only time will tell. Sometimes, Leroy is just faster. I might have other means of lethal but Leroy just makes it quicker.

    In reply to Life Without Leeroy
  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I don't play casual because of threads like this. Any of my decks, regardless of why I play them, could be seen as "meta" because they win matches. 

    There isn't a cut and dry of what is allowed in casual, and what isn't so I don't even bother playing there.

    Unfortunately, this means I miss out on playing some of my more fun decks because I don't want to be accused of "abusing casual."

    I just stay away from it altogether and focus on winning because I can't have it any other way because threads like these keep popping up and it makes me wary. I just want to play Hearthstone. 

    It's clear to me that no matter what I do, it's wrong if I deviate from the ladder so you won't catch me in casual. Not about to force my presence where I'm not welcome. 

  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    All of this was hypothetical. If casual wants to ban competitive decks then ladder should be able to ban non-competitive decks. 

    My point was that is all just silly. As you can clearly see, there isn't any clear definition on what is or what isn't casual/competitive. 

    As for what is stopping me from playing certain decks at lower ranks? Mill rogue. Both Evenlock and my Dragon Mind Blast Priest decks have so much draw on their own that I usually just aggro my way up the ladder and once I reach a good rank (for me), I start messing around. 

    I don't play casual and I use Zayle when someone offers me a Challenge a Friend quest. It's a bit unrealistic to win 30 matches a day in casual mode. The gold rewards aren't worth it - I know; I've tried. 

    I burnt myself out real fast. I like to win and I like the challenge of playing ladder. Sure, it sucks to lose stars sometimes but not every Spike out there is gold farming in casual. 

  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    No, it doesn't make me ecstatic. After about the 3rd or 4th Mill rogue, it gets annoying. It really does. 

    Why should memes/jank be welcome everywhere while asking for their own space? Why can't ladder strictly be ladder and casual be strictly casual? 

    It'd certainly save me a lot of frustration and give me a chance at more variety: I basically have to aggro my way through to reach above r15 and sometimes make it to 10  before it gets a bit rough or I can play the non-aggro decks I actually want to play that are in top tiers.

  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I see alot of them in R20, R15, and the occasional few on R10. They decrease as I climb but that isn't my point. My point is there  shouldn't be a double standard. 

    And like you said, how could anyone ensure such a thing especially in Wild? The line between meme/competitive is blurred and on top of that, you have meme decks that could possibly get you from 20-15. 

    So, is it fair that competitive meme decks should be locked out of ladder completely? 

    But on the flip side, if a new rogue deck becomes t1/t2, and I happen to open the cards for it, should I be locked out of casual and forced to tank my rank to practice with a deck in my least played class? 

    On top of that, wouldn't there be a top tier meme deck in an extra casual mode thus creating the same problem? Even players that love memes would get sick of being milled to death by rogue? Or having endless matches between mill rogue and Dead Man's Hand Warrior, right? 

    Variety is the spice of life and if  you're in it for memes/jank, wouldn't be exhausting facing mill rogue after mill rogue after mill rogue? Wouldn't you want a variety of match-ups to test your deck? See what works, what doesn't? Where it's weak points are? Do you need an aggro finisher? Do you need more removal? How well does it do versus control? 

    On top of all that, the wild player base is even smaller and you want to break it up even more?

  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    How would we ensure the reverse for the competitive players? Keeping meme decks off the ladder. 

    "Oh well that's different because my meme deck doesn't have a high win-rate and it's more satisfying when I win versus your competitive deck." 

    But that could have been another competitive player that I beat instead of being the unfortunate soul that was the 10% chance of you pulling off your memory. 

    "Why can't they test decks on ladder?" 

    Why can't you keep your meme decks off ladder? It took me a long time to force myself to power through what I call "meme 15" because of all the memes and jank. 

    I play ladder to win and encounter ridiculous decks there and it's just uuuggghhh. 

    I might as well be playing casual so I switch to casual because I'm going to run into memes/jank anyway so what difference does it make? 

    I've found a sweet spot between 10-5 and I've made it to Wild R8 (I only play Wild) so far. I think it's only fair: if you want competitive decks out of casual, then keep your memes/jank out off the ladder. 

    What are you doing there? You HAD to have been playing at least semi-competitively to get there in the FIRST place, right? 

    As for TRUE casuals that strictly play casual, more power to you! I do have ONE deck I play in casual occasionally to blow off steam but it's not completely done. (Missing Velen)

    Other than that, I'm on ladder 99% of the time I play. I understand your frustration and I think it's only fair you understand mine as well. Nothing feels worse than being proud of my plays just to lose because you happened to assemble all the pieces for your shenanigans. 

  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    Sniplock is probably the biggest problem, but Secret Mage (post SoU) and Mechadin (post Crystology-completely-unnecessary-buff) are also broken (not just OP, but broken).

    All these three decks are capable of repeated insane spikes of power. Unhealthy for fun purposes.

    All of them revolve around discounting specific cards to (0).

    Wild needs a new hard-rule: no card can be discounted below (1) mana.

    Additionally: make Sap and Beneath the Grounds into reasonable Neutral legendary Battlecry cards ffs.

    That couple of things together would fix Wild for a very long while, avoiding spikes, and allowing any deck a tech card against major synergies. No nerf required.

    Right now Wild at rank 5 and higher is a complete trashbin. No variety is possible at all (unless you like to suffer), against those meta-warping topdecks.

    Isn't the problem really with passive reduction auras (Mechwarper, portal, Sorcerer's Apprentice, etc.) more than one-time cost reductions like Galvaniser, Emperor T and the like? I think that by instituting a hard rule against reducing cards to zero a lot of non-problematic OTK comboes would become collateral damage.


    It's not the most elegant solution, but I think adding the line "this cannot reduce a card's cost below (1)" as and when needed is the least invasive fix. For example, I'm not convinced that adding the line to Sorcerer's apprentice is the best solution as the card has been central to just about every mage deck in the game. I think it'd be better to target key cards in the secretmage deck with nerfs than to take out a card that's crucial to cyclonemage, freezemage, Exodia mage, etc.


    What if they added to Snip-snap card text: "cannot cost less than 1?" 



  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I've received 60g quests since the change. I haven't re-rolled any of them, either. I don't know about playing a friend quests...

    In reply to New quest system
  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I am excited for rotation. 

    On the fence about RoS

    But I am loving Hearthstation. I am strictly mobile and this site is MUCH easier for me to navigate on my phone than Hearthpwn. 

    I just wish The Innkeeper was available for mobile. It would be so convenient to upload my collection and get some help/guidance with deck building: it is where I am weakest.

    In reply to I'm so hyped! :)
  • Gwyneth's Avatar
    100 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I am so OCD about my decks. I just recently earned my first golden portrait (Hunter) so I deleted all my Hunter decks. I delete quest decks as soon as I'm finished with them and try to keep it 1-2 pages of decks. I must confess I am a Spike through and through. And I do sometimes bring T1 decks to casual, but it is only long enough to get a feel for the deck and then I go to ranked. 

    I've recently started messing around in Wild Casual with budget decks - as in no epics or legendaries. I'm at r23 in Wild and reached r11 last season so I dropped to r15 this new season. 

    I mess around with fun or interesting stuff on locked floors but I go back to my T1 decks when I'm sick of losing lol. 

    I hope they do implement more deck slots because I have a few friends that LOVE their meme decks. 

    Why can't we have 18 Standard and 18 Wild?



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