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  • Kelian's Avatar
    Wonderform Operator 200 92 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    To me, this boils down to a simple question...

    If you nerf/HoF Northshire Cleric, how does priest win?

    If you can answer this with a strong argument (which, imo, doesn't really exist right now), then the decision to change cleric is yes, it is OP (evidenced by it's increased stats and massively beneficial mechanic).

    If you can't answer this with anything realistic, then the decision would be no, we need it to give priest a powerful deck.

    Everything else is gray areas (I think most people would agree that Priest needs some serious overhaul to make it a truly viable class, but that again is my experience and opinion).  If and when we get a massive restructuring of Priest, this question becomes much easier to answer as Priest would have more options.  

    I hate Northshire Cleric (as I agree it is OP... Rover as well) and I hate DS/IF, but without them I don't think Priest really stands a chance.  

    Just watch the GM season to see how strong Combo Priest is, and how important Cleric is (as all but one GM brought it to the table last week)

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