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Joined 11/12/2019 Achieve Points 40 Posts 1

Kouf's Comments

  • Kouf's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 11/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago


    I am Kouf, a french gamer that was fortunate enough to get invited during the last closed beta and I had a blast. This time I would like to share this experience with those who didn't get an invite yet.

    I will be streaming the game on twitch, and I would like to invite people to play the game with me.

    How? I'll call you on discord, make the deck you want to try, and then simply follow your lead during the game so it will be as if you were playing it, except that I will be the one holding the mouse.

    If that sounds like something you want to try, please fill this quick google form to let me know when you could join me, that way I can see how many people would like to join me, and create a schedule ahead of time to make everything easier for everyone involved.

    Players from all around the world are welcome to join, but I will only be able to speak with you in English or French.

    Cheers guys, and good luck with the drops!

    ps : not sure if linking my twitch is allowed so i'll leave that out; i'm just trying it out for the moment to set things up anyway and will most likely be speaking french while i'm getting used to streaming, unless some of you guys come say hello.

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