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  • L5G4ND's Avatar
    145 14 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    In my opinion, Dr.Boom should be changed somehow. He is one of the most powerful hero cards ever and definitely the most powerful in standard. 

    • His hero power is interesting and has a good flavour, BUT it feels so bad when you lose because you didn't roll what you needed or you lose because your opponent did. (It has the same problems as the totems have, the difference is that nowadays, in most cases, you don't lose/win if you roll a certain totem, because they are pretty irrelevant, but Dr.Boom' hero powers are all strong in specific scenarios.)
    • Every hero gains 5 armor when played, but Dr.B gains 7. Okay, okay it is not a big deal, 2 armor rarely matters, but just why? He is Dr.7 and for the memes he should gain 7 armor when played and every time he rolls the armor hero power? (Just make it gain 5 in both cases, it would still be powerful.)
    • He gives rush to mechs for the rest of the game. This would not be broken if there were only mediocre or good mechs. But warrior has insane mechs!Let's only talk about Omega Devastator and overlook the rest of the bullshit mech fest with Dyn-o-matic, Eternium Rover, Zilliax and all the mech generating shenanigans. Omega Devastator deserves another nerf thread imo. Why did they print this card? What were they thinking? The Boomsday Project Omega cards are fair cards, some of them are weaker some of them are sstronger, but the point of those cards was to be kinda bad on curve, but really good after T10. But Omega Devastator is meh/okay on curve, insane after T10 and utterly disgusting with Dr.B. Removing nearly any big minion and another mid-size minion with 1 card for 4 mana? Yeah that sounds fair. But you have to reach T10 and have to play Dr.B so it needs setup, so it is okay I guess. 
      But this is about Dr.B so forget all of this and let's pretend that the rush theme fits with Dr.B and move on.
    • I mentioned the mech generating craziness in the previous point, but just assume that it is the part of the Warrior identity, don't complain about the randomness, it is fine, there are other hero cards who generate a lot of value. (I'm not saying it is good, I'm just saying that it is not a unique problem.)

    They will probably not rework the card so these problems will remain, but for the love of god, just increase his cost to 9 mana! (He is Dr.7, but no one cares about that!) You would not be able to use the hero power in that turn and it would delay him a few turns.
    As someone said in this thread: 'Boom is holding the whole class on his back.' and this is not healthy. Just check the mulligan WR of the card on hsreplay. He has the mulligan WR of 1 drops. Tell me that this is normal. Maybe the 9 mana nerf would not make a difference, but at least it is something.

    Dr. Boom should be changed, in his current form he is OP. Overpowered, because he does too much things too well and too early in the game.
    He is similar to DK Rexxar. He is cheap, has anti-aggro elements and generates infinite value. The only difference is that Warrior has a good control shell without Dr.Boom and he fits in perfectly into that shell.

    In reply to Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
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