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Joined 02/07/2021 Achieve Points 10 Posts 1

Ladd1e's Comments

  • Ladd1e's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 02/07/2021
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I only got into LoR recently, and coming from a hearthstone background I'm alright with discover based mechanics.

    The main thing that gets on my nerves is that I feel like I'm playing the game at half speed. I know the timer still works as intended and time taken is time not banked and all that, but it still feels like my opponent is dragging their heels as they painstakingly use their entire turn to try to find micro-advantages between the cards provided.

    Maybe its just growing pains of being new, or the timeframe with the recent event making more Targon decks crop up. Whatever it is, It's eroding my enthusiasm for the game.

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