This is a meh card in my opinion,s but might work with the quest.
Really nice, but not now... I feel this will see play in the future though.
Healing for the quest. Really nice!
Incredible in wild with plot twist... Will also work in standar though. And that banned card could see more lay on standar with this.
bETTER Than the legendary....
6 mana board claer. it is worth it, even with just 4 or 5 cards in hand... Crazy...
Unlicensed aphotecary is happy to see this.
It feels weak... It has more chance to shine with the rest of the handlock support but still... 6 hp is way to low for this.
Good tutoring, but do not htink it is really necesarry
The perfect ovearload elemental card to just tie it all
This card might be too slow, but it has potential....
after attacking twice it is just free 4 damage. Not bad..
More great support for overload.... I hope it is enough....
This... 2 Copies.. I feel this is a really scary card... Not only for now, but also for the future... Even in wild.
CRAZY! Great damage potential for the low cost of 1. And also... It is tradable! They really want overload shaman to work now.
Great for evolving. But I like this card desing in general. It just feels cozy and wholesome.
This is good but the price might be too steep. Have to try it first.
With all the new stuff we got from this expansion related to overload. It has a higher chance of success.
HEY LOSER!!!! Its back!
This is a meh card in my opinion,s but might work with the quest.
Really nice, but not now... I feel this will see play in the future though.
Healing for the quest. Really nice!
Incredible in wild with plot twist... Will also work in standar though. And that banned card could see more lay on standar with this.
bETTER Than the legendary....
6 mana board claer. it is worth it, even with just 4 or 5 cards in hand... Crazy...
Unlicensed aphotecary is happy to see this.
It feels weak... It has more chance to shine with the rest of the handlock support but still... 6 hp is way to low for this.
Good tutoring, but do not htink it is really necesarry
The perfect ovearload elemental card to just tie it all
This card might be too slow, but it has potential....
after attacking twice it is just free 4 damage. Not bad..
More great support for overload.... I hope it is enough....
This... 2 Copies.. I feel this is a really scary card... Not only for now, but also for the future... Even in wild.
CRAZY! Great damage potential for the low cost of 1. And also... It is tradable! They really want overload shaman to work now.
Great for evolving. But I like this card desing in general. It just feels cozy and wholesome.
This is good but the price might be too steep. Have to try it first.
With all the new stuff we got from this expansion related to overload. It has a higher chance of success.
HEY LOSER!!!! Its back!