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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Of the few times I've seen him, Ragnaros is disgustingly good. You just plow over everyone once Sulfuras is active. Crackling Cyclone is also bonkers; the two of them combined...easy 1st place for me haha

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Some quick early feedback:

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    BloodMefist - I like the Researcher more in terms of flavor: it's different, and less likely to overlap with other people.

    Inconspicuosaurus - The ability seems fine for a Spellburst, but the way it is phrased is wrong. A Choose One needs to fully explain the first idea, then add a semi-colon with the second idea. So I believe it should be "Spellburst: Choose One - Summon a minion with stats equal to the spell's cost and Rush; or Taunt." Putting the Rush at the end of the sentence signifies that it's the thing being replaced with the Taunt. Love the use of Volibear for the token, by the way.

    DavnanKillder - I like the name and the art, but the effect doesn't really jive with Knights of the Frozen Throne. "Card generation" is supposed to be a weakness of the Shaman, as well, so the card itself might be off the mark.

    KANSAS - Seems quite powerful; way better than Sandbinder, too. The art is a little weird, though, for a tutor. "(Something) Tamer" seems like an obvious name, although maybe a bit unoriginal.

    grumpymonk - The card is fine, but it's weird to have Tortollan Hatchling and Tortollan Primalist in the same set, considering they basically do the same thing. Not sure if Blizzard would create two versions of the "same" Epic. Also you don't need "from your class": Discovering spells already pulls from your class.

    Pokeniner - Like with grumpymonk, I don't see Vulpera Priestess and Vulpera Scoundrel being in the same set. The effect is fine, I guess, although restoring 3 Health ain't worth a spell in most cases.

    Cg8889 - I like it; don't know if it needs any changes.

    Valor1204 - This seems very much against what the Mage does. I would find something else.

    Demonxz95 - Already told you what I think about it :P

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    This is what I have currently: a Tortollan Demon Hunter! The name could be considered a play on Tortollan Shellraiser.

    • The Epic version continues the line of "disrupting your opponent in unique ways" that seems to have become a thing for the Demon Hunter. It works kind of like Freeze, except your opponent has total control over the one enemy that gets to attack (be it a minion or their face). I may have to remove the Taunt and change the stats accordingly.
    • The Rare version is significantly simpler, using his hard shell to reduce incoming damage. Probably a bit overtuned. Works better with Pit Commander versus the Epic version, which I think adds to its appeal.
  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Congratulations to Sinth...again! Is someone comin' for my title? Best be uppin' my game :P

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Is your Rewards track currently set on a faction that's low in level? Because some of them have bonus XP as part of the new-player "catch up": you can tell by the green XP bar how long it lasts (which is up to about the 12th spot, IIRC).

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Should be a 5/5. Rakanishu does pretty much the same thing on his Hero Power, and I don't think it's setting the stats. Otherwise Lil'Rag would be quite bad.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I forgot Ragnaros was already a Battlegrounds character until a few minutes ago lol

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Good luck to our finalists :)

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Less than 2.5 hours to go! If you haven't submitted, you really should :P

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    There were three book series that really shaped me as a kid, all three of which are some form of sci-fi and/or fantasy:

    • Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. You might have seen the (rubbish) movie, or more recently seen the (much better) TV show on HBO. It's got a multiverse, people living alongside their spirit animals, talking armored polar bears, and a knife that can cut through the fabric of reality. The main antagonists are The Church, so if you have a problem with that I would steer clear. Pullman recently began a new trilogy where the main character Lyra is in her 20s, and it's more like "His Darker Materials" lol. Patiently awaiting the third book.
    • R.A. Salvatore's The Legend of Drizzt series, which spans 35 books as-of last year! I've only read like half of them, but I really attached to the main character. In between each chapter there's usually a little journal entry from Drizzt about how he feels in the given situation, or his thoughts on a particular moral topic; those are what pulled me in and helped shape my world-view into being (what I think to be) a good person. Being from The Forgotten Realms universe of Dungeons & Dragons, this is fantasy through-and-through.
    • Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game, and the parallel novel "Ender's Shadow". The movie was pretty good, I think, so if you have an opportunity I would check that out first and see if you'd like to further delve into the world with the books. While the main sequels to Ender's Game get a little...out there, it's the "Shadow" books about the side-character Bean that I really enjoyed, exploring what happens to these genius military-academy children after the war with the aliens is over. I would say the main sequels are straight hardcore sci-fi, while the Shadow books are political sci-fi thrillers.
      • Edit: Did not notice you had already mentioned Ender's Game at the bottom of the main post. All well.
    In reply to Books
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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Some more feedback:

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    DestroyerR - I love the overall flavor, especially with the yelling text on the big guy. Lifesteal in Warrior is rather unusual, but I don't know what I would put in its place. Maybe an Enrage effect (sorry, "while damaged" effect)? That would certainly connect back to the anger.

    DavnanKillder - I think Deadly Banquet is too strong. Secrets generally are worth about 2 more mana than their cost given the requirements, but even at 4-mana a "Destroy all minions who damaged you last turn" could be quite punishing. You could have it say "destroy a random minion that attacked you" to bring down the effect a bit, although the flavor is off. I would stay away from Innocent Apple Seller: Corruption-like cards are generally too slow and weak, even if you get a 2/3/3 out of it.

    GameTheory345 - I think you might have too many tokens/cards for the competition: we have a set limit on how many you can submit as a package, and that number is currently 4. Making more Refreshment cards would compound the problem. You're going to have to cut one of the Refreshments, which I think is fine because Discover is a 3-per process anyway. Increases the consistency of the spell by a whole lot. I personally would cut the Barkbeast Pie, the option most people will not use (Mages don't care to heal their minions). If you want to keep the pie art, I would replace Silkweed Brew (considering you have three beverages otherwise).

    Inconspicuosaurus - I think you could lower the cost of the spell to 4. Swarm of Locusts automatically gives you seven minions to work with, and you fully control how they attack. Yeah School Dinner can go face, but that's not necessarily a good thing unless you're looking to stretch for lethal.

    FieselFitz - This is a minor gripe, but you have a lot of "dead space" in the art around the Murloc, so maybe zoom a little more in if you can? Other than that, I think the card is fine as a slower Murloc: most Murlocs want to go face, but this encourages trading for a board refill.

    Cg8889 - I like this much better. It's a cool tutor card that encourages intelligent deck-building and memorization (or the use of a tracker, but nevermind that).

    anchorm4n - I agree with Demon in-that it could maybe cost 3 instead. You have to kill a minion, and it only buffs the Beasts you have on the board. I don't find the card to be terribly exciting, though, if I'm being honest. It's just "okay". As for Deep Sea Predator…it's a tech class card, and I frown on those.

    BasilAnguis - 4 Health is not a lot, so maybe you could buff Conjure Food's effect a little. The Mana Crystal is throwing me off a bit because it's so unprecedented in the Mage. That said I think I like Morbid Recipe more, even if it's a more complicated Siphon Soul. You could reduce the cost of the pie to 2 (Holy Light) or even maybe 1 (to make it better than Siphon Soul, which is fine given it is an expansion card).

    JackJimson - Of course you can provide feedback to others! It is encouraged but not required, and there are no qualifications for doing so. As for art, I just go on Google and type in something like "fantasy (the thing you want) art" and scroll through that, narrowing the search parameters if I need something more specific. In regards to Feeding Frenzy, I think it is both too powerful and too messy with the secondary effect tacked on. You're essentially combining The Beast Within with Bestial Wrath, but it affects all of your minions *and* has another bonus on top of that. This spell would need to cost way more than 2.

    TheHoax91 - "Patchwerk" is spelled with an E, not an O. Beyond that, I think there's an inherent problem with your card in-that the second anyone tries to trade into it, they are eaten and added to Patchwerk's stats. If you cannot kill Patchwerk in a single hit, he becomes an impossible obstacle because of the Taunt, and even then I'm not sure if he would die to *any* trade (or if he would instead eat the minion first and gain enough Health to keep living).

    Neoguli - I agree with Demon: I think the Chandelier is not really what we're looking for, although the card itself is neat and I like the art. At least with silverware, you eat from those; chandeliers have nothing innate in them that has to do with food.

    BloodMeFist - I like it, especially since he's a real NPC as you noted. I can see the Hell's Kitchen flavor, and can already imagine the angry/shouting voice lines haha

    Pokeniner - I think you can get away with the card as it is, in-part because the art is him literally drinking in the knowledge. Not sure what I can say about the card itself; it's Roll the Bones, but for Overload. Probably better than RtB because Overload Shamans tend to stock up on the effect, versus Rogues who utilize a few, very specific collection of Deathrattles.

    grumpymonk - I'd rather you left it as a Rogue-only card, in-part because as you noted it is a Rogue ability. It's also a lot less powerful in the Rogue compared to the Warrior, which goes a long way in balancing the effect and justifying its 1-mana cost.

    Arkasaur - I've seen this kind of effect before, and the art too. I think the card is fine - minus the mistake of giving it a Classic watermark - but unfortunately it's not very original or creative.

    KANSAS - What about "Well-Fed Murloc", and finding art of a particularly-bloated Murloc? That would justify the 3/4 stats in regards to flavor, and you could argue that eating such a hefty creature is where the +2/+2 comes from. Not really a fan of Fish Dinner, and I don't just say that because of my own card being so similar. I don't think the sacrifice effect really fits a Murloc Shaman, and they already got a +2/+2 buff spell in Everyfin is Awesome. I know that's a Wild spell, but the overlap is still present.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    What about something like this? There were no Karazhan menagerie spells, but maybe I can get away with one.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Some quick early feedback of my own:

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    Demonxz95 - Love it.

    Cg8889 - I think even with the agency going to your opponent, them losing a minion that costs (5) or more is too great a cost. What about simply being the next minion they play?

    Inconspicuosaurus - I think it's too on-the-nose with its similarity to Hungry Crab.

    Valor1204 - You're good to go, I'd say, outside of maybe moving it to the Priest. Your call.

    Hordaki - We're fine with it: it's a general idea of food/drink consumption that we're looking for. With that in mind I like the card.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah...I'm not feelin' the Turtle. Thanks for the early feedback, Valor1204 and Hordaki :) Time to think of something else.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Congratulations to Sinth :)

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From grumpymonk
    Quote From Inconspicuosaurus

    I have a question: The topic is "food or eating", so would something like Hungry Crab that canonically "eats" a minion be acceptable?

    Its up to the mods to decide but since I've suggested this theme, my opinion is that yes, things that eat are acceptable.  I think Humongous Razorleaf might be a better example, since Hungry Crab is already a food.

    We were debating the issue, but I would say then that "the word of God" has spoken. From my perspective, it's a matter of appropriate flavor: Hungry Crab eats Murlocs, but E.M.P. Operative does not "eat" a Mech.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Edit: I have a new idea farther down.

    The effect means the turtle has to die in a single blow (barring buffs to its Health), being essentially immune to ping damage and minor trades. But who would want to hurt such an adorable thing?

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Good luck to our future finalists (in ten minutes) :) I know it ain't me lol; I used up all of my power in Season 1, I guess.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    There's only about three hours left to submit, so best be gettin' it done!

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    You can't have "burglar" and "swashburglar" in the same word-search: that's just mean lol.