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Lionel136's Comments

  • Lionel136's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 09/21/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Acquired taste reads: "Tahm Kench swallows an enemy unit. It strikes him, then he Captures it." The enemy unit strikes him, then he swallows the enemy (if he survives).

    In reply to Tom Kench is OP!
  • Lionel136's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 09/21/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Some archetypes, you mean any deck that isn't aggro or running culling strike, reckoning, and vengeance, right? Even then, successfully playing reckoning can be tricky if the TK is in play. Vengence is a 7 for 4 and they prob have a Bastion in hand you won't be able to bait out because any somewhat smart player would save it for TK. Good luck saving your units before he devours them. His ability is too cheap at 2 mana, period.

    In reply to Tom Kench is OP!
  • Lionel136's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 09/21/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    He's overplayed because he's incredibly strong for a 4 mana champ, and on top of that he's so easy to enable that even a toddler could do it. If he gets nerfed, which he probably will, it'll be because he's unhealthy to the game, which he currently is as the majority of decks right now are anti-lee sin. When a single champion causes the meta to warp this much, you know there's something wrong with them. He requires some tuning down.

  • Lionel136's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 09/21/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Alright, after 3 weeks and 4 days I think it's safe to say Hush is a little too strong and it's why it'll be getting nerfed. So, op was right from the get-go on that and I honestly agree. Tryndameere, among many other champions, such as Darius, Kalista, TF, Lucian, Katarina, Ezreal, and others get hard countered by this cheap overturned card. The problem is that it's a 3 mana that creates a fleeting and on top of that it's a burst. Someone hushes your unit and you may as well just let it die (even champions) rather than wasting a barrier (to have it poked) or a health gain (hush again). The only counter to this card is a recall and even then it's not a real counter considering you lose a body on the board and have to spend the turn resetting, if even possible. It's cheap, allows no counterplay, gives great value against copious amounts of decks, and most Targon decks are running it for this very reason. Don't even think about playing last breath units either. 


    Now, spell shield. Honestly, I think it's ok for the most part. Aurelion Sol having a perma shield is fine by me because he's a 10 mana champ, but a 9 cost elusive celestial dragon that gains stats depending on how many celestial cards you've played with fury and spell shield is literally just a GG at that point because by the time you deal with that another beast will take the board.

    I believe Spellshield as a keyword is NOT op, but its current application to certain units is. Hush, on the other hand, is just straight up op and needs to be addressed.


    If you still think otherwise of these cards, that's fine. I respect opinions and I'm open to reading your (or others) defense.

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