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  • Mackie26's Avatar
    60 2 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I haven't seen any discussionabout this deck for the upcoming expansion but it just seems like it's gonna be insanely consistent due to one of the card that was printed.

    I'm talking specifically about Anka, the Buried, this card will transform Mecha'thun into a 1 mana 1/1 and at that point you don't need any other convoluted set up to win. Rogue can obviously empty their deck easily due to Myra's Unstable Element and at that point you only need to empty your hand and save a targetable damage spell to kill the Mecha'thun. Rogues are also pretty good at playing multiple cards in a single turn so emptying your hand shouldn't be the biggest issue. ALSO it's not like you're gonna have to run a bunch of bad/weird cards to make this possible, you already want to run Backstab or Eviscerate in any rogue deck and then running something like Shiv makes sense on a deck like this, you can even kill your Mecha'thun with Walk the Plank and again, on a deck of this nature the card jusr makes sense to run.

    Not sure exactly how the deck would look, you probably don't want to run too too much draw engine as it gets awkward with Myra's and in some scenarios you would just take fatigue hits trying to empty your hand, but something like novice and thalnos, maybe piper with sharks (And shivs + fan and of course Myra's) seems like enough draw to be solid and then just run the 2 cards required for the "combo" and from there good rogue cards. Again I don't know if the deck will be any good but requiring close to no set up to have an inevitable win condition seems too strong to me to not consider it as a strong deck at least from a theorycraft stand point. 

    Man I could even see Tempo Rogue cutting a couple cards and running this combo, like there are already Tempo rogues that run sharks and novices, just cut some other not super impactful cards and fit Shivs/Fan/Thalnos/Any draw (Some combination of this cards) and for most decks you still go for the regular tempo game (On that case Anka is a vanilla minion which won't destroy your tempo) and against stuff like Warrior you have the Mecha'thun win condition to cheese them out. Again on this scenario the hardest part would be to empty your hand after Myra's but going from an extremely unfavored match-up (Warrior) to only needing to empty your hand to win seems pretty viable if you ask me. 

    I even made this deck, it just took me a couple minutes so don't be to harsh but it does look decent enough:

    In reply to Mecha'thun Rogue
  • Mackie26's Avatar
    60 2 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I dusted mine for full value and then used that dust to craft Luna's Pocket Galaxy. I already got the 1600 dust to craft Elysiana back and she's a fine card but she honestly seems unnecessary to me on the current meta.

    1. I really don't feel like playing Control Warrior, the deck is just so slow and with the current meta being so hostile against it, it seems like I'm just wasting time, all the tier 1 decks and a lot of tier 2s have amazing match-ups against Control Warrior so you're playing long af games that you're kinda loosing from the start just based on match-ups.

    2. Bomb Warrior is just better atm. It's not like the deck is the best either, it suffers (mostly) from the same bad match-ups than Control Warrior and it's a kinda mid-range deck that has a lot of aggression but also a lot of cards to stabilize and get back into the game but it also has a solid and somewhat consistent finisher in the bombs which makes games not take as long as the Control counterpart.

    3. You usually won't need Elysiana anyways. On the past meta (the immediate one), Elysiana was a must cause there were so many Control Warriors that if you didn't have her, you just lost on the MU, the chances of you out-tempoing and killing your opponent on the mirror is hella low, so you absolutely needed her. The truth is that Control Warrior almost disappeared form the meta, I honestly haven't played against a single Control Warrior since the nerfs, all of them have been bombs as it is the more solid archetype.

    4. I feel like Azalina Soulthief is the better card right now. Not saying that she's good or that she should be core on the deck but she definitely feels like a more solid choice. Why? Well, you almost never need Elysiana right? And she's a card that 9/10 is gonna rot in your hand for literally the entire game and Azalina at least gives you a chance to get back into the game if your hand ever runs out of fuel while also keeping the value of allowing you to fight on the mirror, you know they'll save Elysiana until they have like 1 or no cards left so knowing when to play Azalina is stupid easy on the mirror.

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