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MathU's Comments

  • MathU's Avatar
    545 11 Posts Joined 12/09/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    Remornia is a weapon that belongs to Sire Denathrius in Warcraft lore.

    The Sentient blade even almost kills Prince Renethal in a World of Warcraft cutscene.

    Denthrius in lore betrayed the purpose of Venthyr (the nosferatu-looking dudes) and Renethal created kind of an opposition to his rule.


  • MathU's Avatar
    545 11 Posts Joined 12/09/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Felsaber Card Image

    I have never heard it's attack voice line, cause ... I have never attacked with it.

  • MathU's Avatar
    545 11 Posts Joined 12/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    While I think the character development part that you showed with Elise is indeed interesting, from perspective of the gameplay it is still in my opinion a little bit weird for the same character to appear multiple times on different cards in the same game. Nat, the Darkfisher is fine, since it is an alternative univesre version of Nat Pagle, while as I mentioned Lady Liadrin is identical to her portrait in terms of lore and card theme.

    Thank you for this exchange of opinions. It is interesting that players have different views on lore/gameplay etc. and we can talk about our views :)

  • MathU's Avatar
    545 11 Posts Joined 12/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I belive most of the Hearthstone developers don't really play WoW, so there might be lack/poor communication between teams.

    I always thought Wrathion was a weird fit to MSoG, but then there is whole Blacktalon Agency in his service, so maybe it made sense for Blizzard to put him in the city of crimes, but there is no Blacktalon Agent card in this expansion.

    They made Turalyon a teacher at Scholomance as an "alternative universe" version of him. However I 100% agree that there are better choices, they could pick Maxwell Tyrosus, who is kind of a secondary leader of Silver Hand and is located in Plaugelands in the Lights Hope Chapel.

    I also don't like when they "recycle" characters. With WotOG it was fun, because they were corrupted/uncorrupted versions of the classic legendaries like Ragnaros, Lightlord. And now they make Lady Liadrin and Maiev Shadowsong into cards with no difference than the hero portraits. Or  you can duplicate Elise Starseeker and [Hearthstone Card (Elise the Trailbrazer) Not Found] with Elise the Enlightened while playing as Elise xD

  • MathU's Avatar
    545 11 Posts Joined 12/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Bolvar Fordragon and Malorne both had nothing to do with goblins, gnomes and mechs back in GvG. Archbishop Benedictus is part of the team Old Gods and not team Scourge and he was in KotFT. It isn't anything new that Blizzard adds WoW characters like [Hearthstone Card (Lothraxxion the Redeemed) Not Found] in unfitting expansions, but IMO he is nathrezim - Demonic race and fits new N'Zoth, God of the Deep archetype. 

    Divine Dreadlord is something uncommon and little bit weird and faires tend to show things like that. We can also say that he is not only "redeemed", but also lightforged in a way and this is what he is doing to Silver Hand Recruits - he is lightforging them.

    In the end, probably I am reading to much into this card xD

    *In WoW he is a humanoid, but they really wanted that N'Zoth, God of the Deep synergy xD




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