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Joined 07/26/2019 Achieve Points 155 Posts 9

MurphysLaw's Comments

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    And once again I am caught in the eternal loop of the android app telling me to open play store for an update which sends me back to the game without an update which then again sends me to the play store.

    Never play on a patch day... :)

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years ago


    I understand that the video ads are important for maintaining the website and I don't want to complain about them existing, but the issue I have with the video ad is its positioning on the mobile page.

    At least on my phone (Google Pixel 4 XL), half the video ad following me over the page while scrolling is positioned over the header which makes trying to click the X button almost impossible and someone's gets in the way as well.

    I'm not sure if this is possible, but it might help (at least in my case) to move the video to the bottom of the screen.

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    The video is from January, he had a lot of time to comment on it, so if one side doesn't say anything, how does "hearing both sides" work?

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I guess you also don't play Rogue, because it only has relatively strong female character portraits?

    That is a stupid line of reasoning... "Don't trust them crazy womens, them be the devils with their talks and maybe thems even lie!"

    How about that: Don't suffocate people or give them the feeling to be unsafe around you? As many other people said here before, statistically speaking, these acusations are usually not lies. If you actually watched the video you can see (or for you its maybe better to say you see strong hints?) that she is obviously in much distress just talking about it. And you completely ignore the fact, that for her right now its not just going gravy as well, as it often does for the women who go public with their acusations of public figures, as she put herself, adding to the distress the situation/relationship she described caused her, in the middle of this debate as well, getting hate from..... well guys like you I guess.

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years ago
    Quote From ArchSpike

    There is really no clean way to make an informed statement here. Statistics tell us that false accusations are incredibly rare so really, if you don't decide from the start which side you believe to tell the truth, that's the closest you can come to the truth.

    Going through the comments on this, I feel like this part should be added to every article like this...

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Best Moment was definitely the SoU Song! Still stuck in my head! That song... That... Split <3

    I'm looking forward to what they are going to do next year, as the team is clearly in some kind of "reformation process". I hope they keep on bringing stuff like the buffs or the wild cards. All in all 2019 felt like a much better year than 2018 and I hope 2020 stays that way :)

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Wow thanks for that reply, from the current climate on the internet I was prepared for the worst :) I wouldn't mind swapping ads for "die Hitler Lüge" (or whatever that was called) for some magic ;)

    I was actually developing a conspiracy theory that Google wants to take revenge on me for my cookie settings.... ;)

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  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago


    First things first, I am _not_ complaining about the existence (or of even the amount of) ads!

    Recently whilst browsing through your website, I noticed a weird trend in the ads that got displayed to me, as a lot of them were advertising books from a certain publisher in Germany ("Kopp Verlag") that has a.... Not so nice reputation.

    I'm not going into my issues with this publisher any further as this might (sadly enough) start some political discussions which (in my humble opinion) do not need to take place in the forum's for a card game. 

    I assume that you do not have much of a decision on what your ad provider displays to me personally, but it puts your website, with good content which I like to visit regularly since it started in a sort of bad light... So... I don't know just wanted to let you guys know and maybe you can talk to your ad Provider to stop advertising right wing literature on you website? ^^"


    PS.: So far it actually only happens on this site...

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  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I am definitely going to make a golden Mogu Cultist - Idk if it's ever going to be viable, it's a challenge! And I do like me a nice challenge :D

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