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Joined 06/09/2019 Achieve Points 85 Posts 12

Naill's Comments

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Barista Lynchen Barista is a great value card and often returns multiple lackeys to your hand to be used again. Because her primary role is value, I'd probably first experiment with either Novice Engineer or EVIL Cable Rat to keep you hand full.

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    She will just play the original 4 cards and not 4+4 (although I believe Shudderwock did stack like that). Keep in mind though that you are able to generate more than just 4 cards by utilizing shark spirits, shadowsteps, and barista lynchen in slower value match ups. 

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    eh, I've won a bit more than I've lost against pogo's I think. The pirate version of rogue with Captain Hooktusk is a lot harder though.

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Hey the9tail, thanks for checking the deck out. 

    Greymane and Hooktusks are run in different decks that target different classes and have different goals. You play hooktusk if you want more tempo, and Greymane if you want more value. Hooktusk is very strong, but you'll lose to almost every warrior out there when they just aoe your board. This deck chooses a medium balance between lots of tempo and also lots of value. I don't like warriors, so I'm playing Greymane to combat them which brings us to your next question...


    Scheme is included mainly for Tess in long value matchups that rogue would lose otherwise. You remember shamans and their infinite shudderwocks? We're basically doing the same thing here. Also, you can chain multiple Heistbaron Togwaggles with Wondrous Wand for even more treasures which will usually win you a game. Against extremely aggressive decks shuffling multiple Zilliaxs can also be the right play.

    Finally, you have four cards that directly give you alternative class cards and that's enough to reliably get vendetta to zero. And with the shadowsteps, shark spirits, and Barista Lynchen you can easily duplicate your four direct cards to get even more fuel for Tess. Against control warrior or big shaman you won't have an issue pulling this off, and against fast decks your game plan is different anyway. We don't play the other steal cards because, while we might get more fuel for Tess, the other steal cards just kinda suck on their own. 

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Mainly you're going for Tess so you can basically do rogue's version of infinite Shudderwock. This is how you'll win value games such as control warrior or big shaman. Sometimes you can do crazy chains with Wondrous Wand and multiple Heistbaron Toggswaggles for even more treasures. Finally, in aggressive matchups like hunter shuffling more Zilliaxs into your deck can be pretty good. 

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I'd try SN1P-SN4P, or maybe weapon removal as there's a lot of shamans with doomhammers around currently. 

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    No worries man, if you posted the link to mine it's all good. And if you've found improvements to the deck that's even better. What were the changes by the way? Always good to hear other people's thoughts

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    This guy gets it

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    eh, don't be sad, i've seen her used well in several serious decks


  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Hey silved, thanks for checking the deck out! I love the Face Collector idea and am currently testing your sub suggestion out now. Still undecided if he's good or not, but he's definitely fun and it's great to be able to use him! He also helps ensure you get minions for Tess to re summon which is great. 

    As far as the issue with there being enough steal cards, I'd say there hasn't been an issue in the games i've played. You have 4 direct steal cards on your own, and with shadow steps, shark spirits, and Barista you can easily generate lots of value in slower match ups like control warrior. In faster match ups you want to play for tempo rather than value anyway, so there's not much of an issue. A Tess landing even one or two solid spells/minions in these match ups does great. Sure you could run other steal cards like pilfer, but the other cards don't seem like that great on their own and I'm not sure what you'd cut. But it's fun experimenting and if you discover something that works be sure to let us know. 

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Hey there! Edwin can be replaced with SN1P-SN4P. Edwin can get you some crazy wins with the shark spirit and lackey combos by getting buffed to absurd heights, but he's more vulnerable to the earth shocks, owls, and big game hunters that are being played right now. SN4Ps on the other hand doesn't high roll as often, but it's just all around good, less reliant on other cards, and has synergy with Zilliax. 

    As for Togwaggle, you can't really replace him and the deck will definitely be weaker without him. Wondrous Wand is an important source of card draw, and if you use the scheme on him before hand you can start a pretty crazy chain of multiple treasures. The devs have said they play to add more lackeys in the future (and thus more lackey generators) which will only make him even easier to use. He'll be in standard for a while, so if you like playing rogue I'd say he's well worth the craft. Thanks for checking the deck out.

  • Naill's Avatar
    85 12 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Both, but she's definitely not essential and probably the first to go if you were to sub something in. She puts in work, but the deck will do just fine without her.