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  • polymath's Avatar
    30 1 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Figured we should have a thread to share tips and strategies for the latest and IMO greatest solo adventure. Having a lot of fun with this one despite lots of losses! After hitting my head against the wall trying to beat chapter 1 on heroic, I finally managed it using an odd deck I didn't think would work. 

    Class/Power/Deck: Mage, Burning Wit, BURN!

    Treasures: EVIL Propaganda, Scepter of Summoning, Crystal Gem, Hyperblaster

    Started trying to go for an inspire deck since you'll get lots of use out of the Burning Wit hero power, but after getting Scepter as my 2nd treasure I went for big minions. Ended up with a nice mix of big spells and legendary minions. Managed to get lucky and pull EVIL Propaganda as the spell to reduce cost in one of the bartender stages, and had a "reduce random card to zero cost" proc on a Sunreaver Warmage. Most fights were over quickly thanks to lots of removal and early play of big minions that were hard to deal with like Sneed's Old Shredder and Rhonin

    Can't remember who I had for the first 6 bosses, but the last three were Ar'ha, Noz and Gallywix of course. Here's how I handled them:

    Ranger Ar'ha was easy. I let her fill her board with 1 and 2 attack creatures, didn't kill the coin cache, and just went straight for face with my higher attack minions. She went for face too, but with such low attack minions she couldn't kill me first. Seems like her AI isn't coded to sacrifice her weak minions to make room for stronger battlecries.

    Noz Timbertail was a tough fight early, but I managed to steal his board which included Shaku, the Collector using an early EVIL Propaganda. After that I played Giggling Inventor to protect Shaku and kept stealing his rogue cards which were great for keeping his board clear. I managed to get an Ogre Ninja which got the +2 attack from his hero power and that sealed the game.

    Gallywix was very difficult. Had to be careful and play around his hero power by making sure the first card I played each turn was one I didn't mind him copying. Probably very obvious strategy, but when you play a regular coin as the first card he will copy that and replace it with a Gallywix coin. Helped me get out some good minions early. Ended up stealing a Burgly Bully with Sylvanas Windrunner later in the fight to gain some extra coins to bait out his hero power.

    Hope this is interesting and/or helpful. Look forward to seeing other folks post their strategies! I'm working on Chapter 2 Heroic right now, will post back with more if there's interest.

    In reply to Dalaran Heist Tips
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