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  • Prudence94's Avatar
    Eevee 250 21 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From turn1manawrm

    “Add just 1 good battlecry minion that has really shitty stats (like 3/3 or 4/4) at 10 and 12 mana and the card won't feel nearly as broken as before... “

    Yes let’s just add a bunch of garbage unplayable minions to the game so mages have a chance at this card backfiring, makes perfect sense

    Did you miss the "GOOD" part? I certainly don't want them to add even more unplayable cards (God only knows how much better this game economy would be if you couldn't open crappy Epics and Legendaries) but I don't think Conjurer's Call on its own is a problem right now... The Deck loses hard to aggro and when you don't draw CC you're just stuck with a bunch a of clunky cards... If you want to nerf something go take a look at Warrior's outrageously good late game package because that is,in my opinion,way more meta warping than a single card that keeps an otherwise dead class afloat...  

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    Eevee 250 21 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I don't think the Cost or Twinspell are the problems I think the reason the card feels so busted right now is because of the ridiculously small pool of cards in Giants' mana slot... Add just 1 good battlecry minion that has really shitty stats (like 3/3 or 4/4) at 10 and 12 mana and the card won't feel nearly as broken as before... 

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    Eevee 250 21 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    As other users have stated above Barnes isn't the problem... It's what it feels the worst to lose against but nerfing him wouldn't fix Big Priest... It would just make it more vulnerable to Aggro and Wild doesn't need any more fast Decks in the meta,Murlocs/Pirates and endless spawn of 1/1s are more than enough...

    Personally I feel the best way to fix the Deck would be to rework the whole resurrect mechanic.. If 1 copy of a minion died and was resurrected that minion is no longer in the graveyard so you can't spam Eternal Servitude or Resurrect  to get multiple copies of the same card,also even if you killed the same minion 10 times it's still the same damn minion so it shouldn't be x amount of times in your graveyard but just once.... Unfortunately that is highly unlikely to happen and they seem to be set on nerfing Barnes only so the only other thing I can hope for is that we'll get some kind of actual tech card for the Deck (because filling your Deck with junk minions to try diluting their pool isn't a counter strategy) like Soul Release from Yu-Gi-Oh or Memory Wraith from ESL...

    Obviously if what RavenSunHS suggested happens and they bump in cost all half their cards and erase that abomination from the game I'll be more than happy anyway...

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