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Joined 05/30/2020 Achieve Points 40 Posts 1

R4vekidD's Comments

  • R4vekidD's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 05/30/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I'm not a fan at all of stealing, I hated it in hearthstone. But it is already in game so I have to accept it. BUT what is a huge problem that we don't know what card was stolen. I just lost a game cause guy stole 2 will of ionias and put karma then radiant in my hand. But if u can see what cards where stolen u can play around. But like that it's just sucks and feels very unfair. So I suggest that change. And also the interface should show us which spells where made by Karma so u can know, that it's your opponent s original deny or will, or its a spell made by Karma.

    Interface has to improve, pilfered goods MUST CHANGE!

    In reply to Pilfered goods
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