If China bails, can we get the original artwork for Secretkeeper and [Hearthstone Card (Succubus) Not Found] back?
I hope they don't make you invest in ruinstones to buy the expansion.
With secrets getting so much support, I wish Secret Eater could be a core card.
Thanks everyone!
I have another question, If I'm playing against a Shaman who has Baroness Vashj on the board and I attempt to polymorph her into a sheep, will she be immune and just summon a 1/1 sheep instead?
How does infuse work, exactly?
What a great deck! I've been looking for something that's random, yet weirdly competitive and unpredictable as well. Thanks!
Just add a mutanus to your deck; I have rubbed out many quest rewards when I got it just right.
Awesome deck, it's also decent for getting the Dreadsteed achievement!
If you win with Demon Hunter, you deserve an extra pack.
Sometimes I wish 100 gold was the reward for the first TB victory
I can't find the Tavern Pass in the shop; when does it go on sale? Nice write-up by the way!
Will the cardback achievement for Barrens still be doable after the Stormwind expansion comes out?
So just for clarification, nobody on the Hearthstone team is accused of anything right?
I got my deck and bailed. Totes fun.
I thought it was because you get really close to losing but then pull off an amazing combo that shreds the opponent.
Happy birthday!! Keep up the great work!
Another amazing fun budget deck. Thanks!
If Confessor Paletress was Diamond, would she not have to create diamond legendaries?
I'd love a diamond Lorewalker Cho
If China bails, can we get the original artwork for Secretkeeper and [Hearthstone Card (Succubus) Not Found] back?
I hope they don't make you invest in ruinstones to buy the expansion.
With secrets getting so much support, I wish Secret Eater could be a core card.
Thanks everyone!
I have another question, If I'm playing against a Shaman who has Baroness Vashj on the board and I attempt to polymorph her into a sheep, will she be immune and just summon a 1/1 sheep instead?
How does infuse work, exactly?
What a great deck! I've been looking for something that's random, yet weirdly competitive and unpredictable as well. Thanks!
Just add a mutanus to your deck; I have rubbed out many quest rewards when I got it just right.
Awesome deck, it's also decent for getting the Dreadsteed achievement!
If you win with Demon Hunter, you deserve an extra pack.
Sometimes I wish 100 gold was the reward for the first TB victory
I can't find the Tavern Pass in the shop; when does it go on sale? Nice write-up by the way!
Will the cardback achievement for Barrens still be doable after the Stormwind expansion comes out?
So just for clarification, nobody on the Hearthstone team is accused of anything right?
I got my deck and bailed. Totes fun.
I thought it was because you get really close to losing but then pull off an amazing combo that shreds the opponent.
Happy birthday!! Keep up the great work!
Another amazing fun budget deck. Thanks!
If Confessor Paletress was Diamond, would she not have to create diamond legendaries?
I'd love a diamond Lorewalker Cho