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Joined 06/02/2019 Achieve Points 225 Posts 57

Sevault's Comments

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    There are several small upsides, such as getting more consistent draws and being able to run minions in a no-minion deck, but at the end of the day it's a 4-mana 4/2 legendary (!) weapon that makes three of your cards cost 1 more. That's not nearly unfair enough to be fun in 2022. 

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    When is the community finally going to understand that you can't turn a battlecry into a spell? Mechanically, tons of battlecries can't function without being attached to a body. What would a spell even do that says "give adjacent minions +1/+1" or "gain rush?" 

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    If school-less doesn't count as a school, this is probably a pretty bad card. It might slot in to the Quest Mage build that already runs a few minions, but no other deck can consistently play 2 or more spell schools by the midgame.

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Extremely impractical. 

    1, you're gonna play many of the cards you draw in order to draw more cards before the rewards trigger.

    2, you don't want to draw that many cards in one turn unless you're fishing for a combo, but the rewards don't synergize with combo decks since you'll probably draw the pieces before the final reward goes into effect

    3, even if you play perfectly and draw aggressively to finish the quest on turn 8, you'll only have 7 or 8 cards left in your deck by time you get the final reward off

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Plenty of cool ideas, but Kairozdormu is fundamentally broken. Even since Hearthstone launched, people have presented the idea of turning battlecries into spells, and every time, someone needs to point out that such a process is mechanically impossible.

    Battlecries don't work outside of the context of minions. What about Wriggling Horror, who gives a buff to adjacent minions? Nothing is adjacent to a spell. What about Frostwolf Warlord, who self-buffs? A spell can't receive a stat buff. What about Wolpertinger, who summons a copy of itself? A spell can't be summoned.

    There are tons of battlecries that just don't work as spells, and even a brief consideration of the mechanics would have revealed that. 

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    Lazy, sloppy solution. If the card is a problem, don't just close your eyes and pretend the issue isn't there. This sets the precedent of just kicking problematic cans down the road instead of taking the time to fix your mistakes.


  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Rogue-likes don't have permanent progressions, rouge-lites do. Hades is a rogue-lite, since 80% of your strength comes from the temporary build and 20% from the permanent buffs, and Mercenaries should be similar

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Suchti0352

    I think people are overrating this just like they did with Glide. It is basically a 1 mana (and card slot) "Do nothing" when you play it. It doesn't even give you an fatique advantage. I can only really see this card as an anti-combo tech and even then it's questionable.

    It occasionally burns a key card, but it's just as likely to burn garbage cards and get your opponent closer to their good cards, so that's a net neutral unless it's a combo deck that can be instantly ruined by a burn. Other than that, you're paying 1 card and 1 mana to get 3 steps closer to small-deck synergy - and if that's your aim, just play Backfire instead.


  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Obviously, this really depends on the quality of the secret pool, but it also depends on how many secrets Paladin can get into play at once. If there were a Mysterious Challenger or Subject 9 in the meta, we'd be talking, but we don't really have anything, even Desperate Measures is rotating out, so you'll be relying on drawing them the old-fashioned way. Paladin has traditionally hated playing secrets without a way to tutor them, since drawing a 1-cost no-impact spell is usually awful, so I don't think the deck is going to work.

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Obviously a very powerful card just on paper, but I think it might be difficult to actually build a deck that wants this.

    At 8-mana it's not an instant tempo win like Spiteful Summoner was. Add to that the fact that the 4 Old Gods now pollute the 10-mana slot so the result probably won't always be that good.

    In a control deck this might just be too slow. It works in slow matchups for tempo, but the unreliable nature makes it a gamble.

    I think the best  way to use this would be in a midrange/tempo deck that runs a plethora of 8-cost spells....and the only one I can imagine right now would be some sort of Elemental Mage with Grand Finale


    Then again, this probably has some major support within the expansion itself so it will end up playable in some shape or form (at the very least it could be nuts in Arena)

    A lot of the powerful value and control tools are leaving standard, and Warlock was already looking to dominate that field with the new Jaraxxus and the retention of Twisting nether. This card slots perfectly into that deck, so as long as the meta isn't overwhelmed with more aggro than controllock can deal with, this will have a place

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    What more do you want from a late-game card than two big bodies and a tutored late-game spell? One of the strongest cards I've seen, the only thing that can stop it is killing your opponent with aggro before they can cash it in.

    In reply to Primordial Protector
  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    If it functioned like Spiteful Summoner, it would be good. An 8-mana 6/6 that summons an 8/8 is potentially worth building around.

    If it drew a card, it would be insane. A huge board swing plus more fuel is insane in basically all control decks, maybe some midrange too.

    But it doesn't draw a card, it tutors a card, which makes it one of the strongest cards I've ever seen. Control Warlock can now play an 8-mana 14/14 that draws Twisting Nether. Shaman can play an 8-mana 16/16 that draws Eye of the Storm. Ramp druid can play an 8-mana 16/16 that draws Survival of the Fittest on turn 6, then follow it up with SotF on turn 7 and a board of 8/8 Clowns on turn 8. This card will 100% be nerfed, keep all your copies.

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Looking over the new core set, there's far less value than we normally have, and there are basically no infinite value generators, which makes this potentially the strongest control card in the meta. For 9 mana, you're getting a 6-mana-value weapon, 1 mana worth of armor, and 4 surplus mana of value per turn (2 mana for a 5 mana body and 1 mana pseudo-card-draw whenever you press the button). Seems really dang good.


  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From Zyella
    Quote From Sevault

    Reducing your deck size by 2 is great in theory when you're building it, but removing two random cards from your deck in the middle of a match is a downside. You're equally likely to discard something you want rather than something you don't want.


    Statistcly its AN UPSIDE. NOT DOWNSIDE

    unless go to fatigue it does NOT MATTER AT ALL if discard them; pretened theyre on bottom of the deck instead.  But the 2less cards gave you better chance to draw anything else in your deck so upside always has been.

    Tracking got nerfed ,and thats the end of it.

    It doesn't give you a better chance to draw into good cards. Say you have 10 cards left and 5 of them are good. If you play tracking, you have a chance of drawing one good card, discarding two bad ones, and then having 4/7 of your remaining cards be good. In this instance, you've strengthened your deck at the cost of hitting fatigue sooner. However, you also have a chance of being offered 3 of your 5 good cards, meaning you get to keep one and then 2/7 of the rest of your deck is good, meaning you've weakened your deck AND will hit fatigue sooner. These odds cancel out. On average, the deck is no stronger or weaker than it was before, but you WILL hit fatigue sooner. 

    TL;DR the three cards you're offered are an entirely random sample of the cards in your deck, meaning their removal will not, on average, make your deck any better or worse. 

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Reducing your deck size by 2 is great in theory when you're building it, but removing two random cards from your deck in the middle of a match is a downside. You're equally likely to discard something you want rather than something you don't want.

  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Ethereal Conjurer was a decent card when it came out, saw a fair amount of play. It's very powerful now, especially in a meta with far less card generation.

    Mana Tide Totem is already one of the most powerful totems in the game, it doesn't need a buff.

    Equality was busted at 2 and saw a little play at 4, 3 is a great power level for it. 

    Tracking got buffed, not nerfed. Not sure what you're talking about.

    I don't think the 3-damage Shadowform is around anymore.


  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for the info, hopefully it gets addressed soon. While they're at it, maybe Blizz could do something about the rope displaying the wrong time

    In reply to Dead players winning?
  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Have you had a match where a player drops out early but, instead of falling to 0 HP, they're just permanently locked at their current HP? It's happened to me twice in the past week or so. They keep their player portrait on the sidebar but are Kel Thu'zad during battles. It's not just a visual glitch, they rank above me at the end and knock me down a place. Battlegrounds has always been a broken mess but this is just ridiculous IMO. 

    In reply to Dead players winning?
  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Has anyone been able to unlock the second cosmetic coin after adding the Darkmoon Races cards? It doesn't need the tavern pass, and the devs confirmed that Darkmoon Races counts towards the total, so after getting the mini set, my collection for this set went from 125 to 160. But, the cosmetic coin is still locked.

    In reply to Cosmetic Coin?
  • Sevault's Avatar
    225 57 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I'd guess it was originally a shifting worgen card that would swap art every turn, but they changed it later on. The unshifted art must have still been attached to the card somehow and a flag got flipped. 

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