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ShadowsOfSense's Forum Posts

  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Woo, congrats on the first thread here!

    I think to start with we should do some book-keeping. You have a few ideas here that are cool, but with the rigorous wording of Magic aren't quite coming across correctly I think.

    To start with - your Legendary Land cycle. I think they're really, really good (like, probably broken) with that "Can't be countered" clause, but I'm not big on balance. My main note for them is the note about them having the Basic land types. There are plenty of examples of cards with an effect like this:

    (Gingerbread Cabin from ELD; Overgrown Tomb from GRN; Bayou from VMA)

    As you can see, the Basic land type is added after the marker of it being a land, and then reminder text is added to them to let you know they can be tapped like a Basic land can. Bayou is actually using an older wording here; "to your mana pool" is unnecessary.

    Next up is your "Tapped Out" mechanic. This is... a confusing mechanic. How does it check that you have spent all of your mana? Does this count creatures which can give you mana, like Paradise Druid or Llanowar Elves? What about if you have a Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner whose -1 hasn't been used yet; you could use it to untap a land and get more mana, but you might not.

    (Paradise Druid from WAR; Llanowar Elves from DOM; Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner from WAR)

    If you wanted to keep to exactly the same effect, wording it as "...if you have no unspent mana and all your lands are tapped...", but this is a little strange. The simpler "...if all your lands are tapped..." could work, but does allow people to just tap all their lands and then play it regardless of whether they have more mana to spend afterwards.

    love the concept of this effect, I'm just not sure how to make it work correctly within the rules of the game.

    Finally, your Pinnacle keyword. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think you'd need to give more examples, because right now it's just Kicker.

    (Shivan Fire from DOM; Saproling Migration from DOM; Skewer the Critics from RNA)

    As an example of how you could differentiate it from Kicker, being able to pay a reduced or entirely different cost (such as is the case with some Spectacle cards) with some sort of downside for doing so would be interesting design space. It's a cool idea, just not very expanded upon with what you're showing right now.

    There's a few more wording issues that I'd be happy to help with, but overall, not bad for a first effort! I am incredibly unused to balancing Magic cards, so I'd need to think longer about them before talking about that, but the theming is interesting and the ideas you're going for are pretty cool too.

  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

    I can't believe you've done this =P

  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 5 years, 10 months ago

    Welcome to the fantastic "Nerf a Card" forum. Do you think a card is overpowered in its current state? Do you think a card is creating an unhealthy meta? Do you just really, really hate losing to a card? Then this is the place for you.

    Here, you can suggest ways to nerf a card which you think deserves to be nerfed, and see what others think of your proposed change. There are some rules, however; we don't want to flood the forum with endless iterations of the same request, after all.


    • One nerf suggestion per thread. Don't flood your thread with a million different iterations of how to change a card - we want to try and foster discussion, and too many ideas at once turn people away from discussing any of them.
    • Check other threads before making your own. If your suggested nerf has been suggested before, your thread will be locked. If somebody else has had your idea already, go voice your support! After all, posting in a thread will push it back to the top for more people to see.
      • As an addition to this, similar styles of nerf should be contained to one thread. For example, if you think lowering Tirion Fordring's Attack to 4 is necessary, and somebody else already suggested lowering it to 5, you should discuss it in their thread, rather than making your own.
    • No 'X Deck needs to be nerfed' threads. This forum is for changes to specific cards. If you'd like to discuss whether or not a deck or archetype needs to be nerfed, you can do so in the General Hearthstone forums.
    • Follow the format guide below. This is just a simple way to ensure people can find your thread easily. Leading or vague thread titles like 'Does anyone else think...' or 'I've fixed Hearthstone's meta' don't tell us anything.


    • Thread Title: (Name of Card) Nerf Suggestion
    • Thread Body: Show us an image of the card you're nerfing, then an image of your proposed nerf. Below this, feel free to explain why you want the card nerfed, and why you decided to nerf it the way you did.

    Here's an example thread, so you get the idea.


    Phantom Militia Card Image

    Squirming Tentacle Card Image

    As you can see, my proposed nerf to Phantom Militia removes the Echo keyword from it. I am sick and tired of losing to the broken, Tier 0 Quest Warrior deck, and I think limiting the amount of Taunts available to it can only be a good thing. This is definitely not because I couldn't be bothered creating my own example nerfed card, and so just plucked cards from our database.

    In reply to Rules and Regulations