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  • ShotgunSoul's Avatar
    240 168 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Hydrafrog

    How does your theory come in to play for the overwhelming rez priest in wild?  Shaman up all you want, Wild is flooded with Rez Priest and I've only been able to consistently beat it with a combo deck that dies to aggro every single time.

    Look everyone! It's the guy who hasn't played Wild in a while! Come, check where Big Priest is on the tier list!

    There are a lot of cards that can disrupt Big Priest or Rez Priest in wild. And there's more than the ones I've linked here.

    You can also play secrets, Aggro Mage, Un'Goro Quest Mage, Togwaggle Druid, Treachery Warlock, Jade/1K Armor Druid, Mill Rogue, Odd Paladin, and yes, shaman.

  • ShotgunSoul's Avatar
    240 168 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Hydrafrog

    the nerf, if any , will end up being something inconsequential to the over all arch of Shaman.  Honestly, they'd to best by dealing with it over the next 4 months until the next expansion kicks out the Witchwood cycle. 

    You don't want to kill interest in the game by NOT addressing something that annoys the fanbase for months. If the successors to the Ben Brode regime have a positive against the founder, its that they have been quicker to address a problem card or class.

    Hearthstone has been lucky recently. Battlegrounds took off while the meta staled because they let an experiment (bring back old cards like N'zoth) go on too long. If Hearthstone Battlegrounds hadn't been released, there'd be a significant increase in talk about "the death of Hearthstone because of N'zoth and evolve."

    They've gotten great reviews on cards and interest in the Year of the Dragon, but if they let the game turn into Shamanstone or Pirate Warrior 2: Ancharrr Boogaloo, and people who enjoy other decks find it unfun and quit, they'll lose out to other entertainment options, and eventually, another card game.

    HS has been fortunate competitors have failed, and the one that might break Heathstone's hold is still in the works. I don't have interest in Runeterra, but I also think Riot isn't going to blow it like Valve did.

    /conspiracy theory of mine: Blizzard's founder is the voice of Thrall, therefore Shaman must almost always be the OP class

  • ShotgunSoul's Avatar
    240 168 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    At this point I have decided to boycott Shaman completely...meaning that whenever I queue up into one I just concede immediately.

    Now this might sound silly, but honestly, if they don't actually want to try to play the game and just go for an auto win deck that'S 50% RNG anyways then I'm not going to allow them to play the game.

    I'm done with this nonsense, it's completely out of hand and ruins the entire fun of the experimentation days.

    Honorable move.
    /did that in the Un'goro Quest Rogue era.

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