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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 305 Posts 186

Shwarzinator's Comments

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Yeah they should have mechanisms in place to make it literally impossible to do this. Either someone was an idiot to not put them in place or someone was an idiot to somehow still screw it up. This is a really horrible leak. It does feel like Polygon deserves some kind of punishment for this. That's not how things work for though. They probably won't even apologize. This would have been an amazing surprise and now it's ruined. At the same time Out of Cards didn't have to say anything. Hearthpwn hasn't yet. Maybe that's intentional. It still would have been on Reddit but guaranteed less people would have had the surprise spoiled for them if not for this article on Out of Cards. I say Out of Cards should take some responsibility for leaking. You didn't have to say anything. If I hadn't read about it here I probably wouldn't have checked and seen anything on Reddit before the reveal. So yeah...thanks.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hearthpwn has no coverage of this. Maybe Blizzard called them and asked them not to say anything? Either Out of Cards wasn't asked or said no, but I would have preferred them taking the high road and not ruining the surprise. Of course Reddit cannot be stopped but still. Feels bad.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    They sure are prone to "accidents".

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I believe they have said all of the dragons in battlegrounds will be new, noncollectable cards.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    This really helps a more aggressive Pure Paladin deck. Take your 4 worst cards out and replace them with this x2 and the buff side quest x2.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Embiggen Druid just got better. Replace your 4 worst cards in the deck with this x2 and Witching Hour x2

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    What are you all on about calling this a tempo card? First guy in the thread said it's a tempo card so now everyone is judging it like it's a bad tempo rogue card. Think for yourself please. This is more of a control card. It's closer to Omega Devastator than Vilespine Slayer. You hold it until turn 6....then you keep holding it until it's the right moment to use it, which will often be when there's an 8/8 you need to remove.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    (Not a prediction but something like these is my dream for the other explorers.)

    Elise is a leader and educator so

    BATTLECRY: Add one of the "Wisdom of Elise" battlecries to each minion in hand

    HERO POWER: Teach a minion, 2 mana randomly give +1/+2, taunt, or full heal to a friendly minion


    Bran's a hunter so

    BATTLECRY: Fill your board with random dinosaur minions that are part of Bran's hunting pack of trained dinosaurs (non-collectible minions)

    HERO POWER: Mark prey, 2 mana mark an enemy minion. Your minions do 1 extra damage to it. Whichever minion kills it can't die as a result (left with 1 health).


    Finley's a gentleman explorer so

    BATTLECRY: Discover one of Finley's treasures

    HERO POWER: Search for treasure. 2 mana blind discover, so you just see three card backs. One of them gives you one of Finley's treasures. The other two are just sand.)

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Fascinating card. I love it. Have no idea how playable it will be though.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    This is a very wait-and-see card. We'll need to see how the discovers turn out on average. I think it's actually a solid card to include in a mid rangey deck if Priest could field one. As someone was saying here it's not easy to kill and can be healed. There almost no chance of low rolling but a decent chance of high rolling. Discover is powerful. Hopefully we're moving towards something for Priest that's very different from the current No Fun Police cancer and maybe this card squeezes in as a serviceable 3-drop.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Kinda card that could catapult Quest Paladin into suddenly being oppressive. That quest seems like it's either trash or way too snowbally. We'll see. Guess I'm glad it got a bit of support though.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Kinda exciting to see some new playable heroes. Scary too though. I'm not a fan of the art on this one. Goofy is fine but this is a bit too goofy for me.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I really hope this site takes off. If LoR becomes a thing it should be good for OoC since the site is already focusing on it. Ads aren't an issue. Actually I was annoyed at first when you said it would be ad free since I knew that was needlessly taking money out of your pockets.

    Best things about this site:

    - The meta reports are top notch. I think that goes a long way.

    - Just a good vibe from it being grassroots. It's like seeing a lowly homebrew deck become meta. Hope this site becomes Tier 1.

    Worst things:

    - When I'm using my Android phone or Microsoft Edge the "Leave Comment" button doesn't work. Can't tell you how many times I've wanted to contribute to the site but been unable to. I'm sure I'm not alone in this and I'm worried that you don't see how crippling this is.

    - Doesn't really distinguish itself from Hearthpwn enough. I don't have any ideas sadly. Right now it's kind of a Hearthpwn clone with less traffic and less going on. I know you're building it up and like I said hopefully the LoR crowd will provide a big infusion. It needs more that makes it unique.

    - The dark background is cool but sometimes it's a bit too intense. It would be nice to be able to choose between it and something more standard.

    Keep on truckin and wish you all the best of luck!

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    There are some workable options:

    1. Add a random Priest spell to your hand

    2. Add a random Priest card to your hand

    2. Discover a Priest minion (only choose from two)

    3. Add a random 3+ mana Priest minion to your hand

    4. Add a random Priest minion to your hand. Reduce its cost by 1.

    5. Add a random card from your opponent's deck to your hand (maybe not great but still better and supports Thief Priest)

    6. Add a random Priest deathrattle minion to your hand

    7. Add a random deathrattle minion to your hand

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Just want to add one more thing kind of on the flip side from my rant below. Playing Galakrond Shaman feels amazing. Generating minions and lackeys and value and just continually nonstop refilling and going AT your opponent relentlessly feels amazing. Feels really powerful and satisfying. Feels equally horrible to the opponent of course. Closest thing from memory might be Deathstalker Rexxar at his worst. 

    But if all the classes had that power level and could throw and take punches and go toe to toe with powerful decks like that...well I don't know how well that can be balanced but seems like that's kinda what they're going for with this expansion. Make Shaman powerful and fun. Great. But makes all 8 other classes powerful and fun too! High power levels are a blast but it's gotta be balanced.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    It's just weird. the people making cards for different classes talk to each other? How does Shaman get Corrupted Elementalist and Invocation of Frost (also a very good card) while Warlock gets Dragonblight Cultist and Fiendish Rites??? Warlock's invoke cards are shit. Fiendish Rites is ok if you've got a somewhat wide board but garbage if not. Dragonblight Cultist is a piece of shit. Oh you spent 3 mana for a 5/1 and two 1/1s? Cute. Allow me to ping that 5/1 easily as if it never existed. Meanwhile....Corrupted Elementalist??? Are you fucking joking? Do these people talk to each other?

    Not to mention Warlock Galakrond's battlecry is extremely meh. You played your Galakrond and summoned two 8/8s with rush? Well let me retaliate with my....Void Terror and...Witchwood Imp...and Fellstalker and Witchwood Piper. Fear me.

    The other classes' invokes: get a lackey, get a random Priest card, summon two 1/1s (off of shit tempo cards), deal 3 with your face

    Shaman: deal 2 free damage on board immediately...twice...or four times

    Oh and then there's Dragon's Pack. Yeah just a little cherry on top. Oh and infinite Shudderwock from Faceless Corrupter/Barista.

    Oh and that whole sliiiightly oppressive quest they have that doubles their battlecries. Yeah that was a good idea.

    Oh and Mogu/Mutate.

    Oh and Evolve. Oh that's gone? Hm guess I'm not over the PTSD. It's like it's right here in my living room happening all over again. Bringing that back was awesome. Then laying Galakrond Shaman on us right afterward. Nice one-two punch there.

    Like just.....fucking get your SHIT together and keep this game within the bounds of sanity so that we can have fun playing a variety of decks in a diverse meta with all these cool cards you've given us. Is that really too much to ask?? Is that REALLY too much??? Cuz that is ALL that I am fucking ASKING FOR!!!! 

    I haven't stopped giving of my money, my time, love for this game. I was and still am stoked for DoD. It has a lot of potential. They really need to take charge and balance the game frequently and fine tune it to get it to where we all deserve it to be! Including the devs.

    Of course some fuckface in a suit who doesn't care about any of this is the one pushing the faceless, heartless, entirely profit focused agenda of Blizzard's that is ever at odds with perfecting the game...what could be the greatest game in the world by far if they strove for greatness and sacrificed a few pinched pennies to get there. I'm sure the devs have to squeeze blood from those stones just to do as much as they have. I just hope somehow the seas will part and they can just give the game the treatment that it needs. Make Hearthstone truly great Blizzard!


  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Turn 4 drop this and remove something with Zap. Solid board presence and threatening spell damage.

    Then get Poached and have 2 mana to deal with the 8/4.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Team 5....ya dun FUCKED it up!! They didn't learn from Keleseth. What is wrong with them? Assholes.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    What......THE this broken ass BS??? Unbelievable. They've lost their damn minds.

  • Shwarzinator's Avatar
    Island 305 186 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    What the hell is this??? What pirates does Warrior have? Zero! So now Warrior's gonna get a bunch of pirates instead of dragons to make Dragon Warrior good? And then Pirate Warrior will still suck this expansion. Annoying AF.

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