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Suckhead's Comments

  • Suckhead's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 03/31/2022
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Can someone try to explain the process of completing “instant gratification” using mindrender illucia? 

    She gives you a copy of your opponents hand until the end of turn, right?

    Assuming they’ve already played Xyrella, how are you supposed to obtain her or her “purified shard” via playing illucia? why is it necessary to wait until they’ve already played Xyrella? Wouldn’t she be easier to obtain if you played illucia while she was still in their hand?  

    Assuming they haven’t already played her, and she’s sitting in their hand, you COULD obtain her using illucia. But because your hand is a copy of their hand ONLY until the end of turn, and assuming they don’t also have the lorekeeper or any card draw minions in their hand, you’d then have to play your Xyrella while you still have a copy of their hand and be forced to end your turn with no polkelt or card draw available. You’d therefore be unable to draw the purified shard on the same turn it’s shuffled into your deck, right? 

    Am I missing something spectacularly obvious here? because I don’t seem to be able to see how it would work using this process. 




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