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tentaclemoth's Comments

  • tentaclemoth's Avatar
    15 1 Posts Joined 10/23/2023
    Posted 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    I see some people asking who the mode is for, well for me it's the mode I've always wanted and I'm having a great time, since it came out I've split my time fairly evenly between twist and wild.


    The things I'm interested in with hearthstone are inventing decks and trying new combinations of cards. I especially love making decks around old cards that never saw play at the time they were released. That used to be possible in wild and sometimes it still is, but as the years have gone by it's been getting harder and harder because the power level of the top decks has been going through the roof. If I have a fun idea for a deck that is great at fighting for board, I will just get killed from hand on turn 4.


    In twist I've been having a great time experimenting with old cards that have been buffed like Explorer's Hat. The list of buffs is like a challenge to make decks around. I would have zero interest in the format if it was just an exact recreation of what the game was like when these old sets came out. I already played that at the time, and by the end of each set I couldn't wait for a new expansion to come out to shake things up. When classic came out I think I played 3 rounds and then never touched it again.


    From the article, I assume that the "Random Twist" is something that they're going to do anyway? I've been under the impression that the main reason they are buffing cards is so when they put older sets with newer ones, the average power level of newer ones don't make all the old sets unplayable.


    The main problem I've had with the format was how slow they were to nerf discard warlock. I know it was for technical reasons, but I think they need to get things in order so they can do it faster in future. I know a lot of people who were enjoying it at first, but lost interest because of how powerful that deck was and lost faith that they would balance it properly in the future. Going forward, I hope they have a system in place where they can just quickly ban cards from the format that are vastly over performing for that month. It's unrealistic to expect them to fine tune balance multiple cards just for a one month meta and we wouldn't want a lot of cards permanently nerfed in wild for the sake of twist.


    I think twist was designed to be a niche mode and perhaps it's even more niche than they hoped. I don't think there will be many players who don't have a wild collection, but I expect there are enough of us to keep it going as a mode for veterans.

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