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Joined 03/30/2019 Achieve Points 45 Posts 1

TheFallenAngle's Comments

  • TheFallenAngle's Avatar
    45 1 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    BP isn't op, that isn't the problem. The actual problem with it is that it requires no skills ,understanding of the game or decision making to pilot the deck and instead relies on a random number generator to decide whether you win or lose. And in those games, so does your opponent. Sitting there making decisions every retard could make and waiting to see how the game goes- either you draw the answers to the bs the BP got or you don't. That just sucks, and isn't what I play HS for. Most of us want to feel like we are interacting with the game or else it isn't much of a game and more of a stupid movie (and there are way better movies to watch than this same ones which repeats itself time after time after time on ladder ).

    And i'm sure there are many players who can relate, which is why barnes nerfed have been requested for a long time now.

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